n.uzumaki | scattered feelings pt. 2

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n.uzumaki | scattered feelings pt. 2

It had been a few weeks since the moment I walked out on Naruto after he confessed to me he still had feelings for Sakura. He hadn't tried to talk to me, so I never tried to talk to him. I struggled to understand how people would break up and still be friends, I couldn't even look at Naruto without wanting to cry.

I felt weak. I felt sad. But mostly, I felt alone.

Sakura apologized so many times before I finally snapped and told her to not talk to me again. She knew what I was capable of so she listened. The night after Ino came over and talked with me. She told me how genuinely sorry Sakura was, and knowing their past relationship, Ino wouldn't lie to protect Sakura.

A couple of days later, I ran into Sakura while hanging out with Shikamaru. I apologized for threatening her and told her I forgave her, but I also told her it would take time because anything could go back to normal between us. She understood and didn't push again. She also apologized for the millionth time and assured me she held no feelings for Naruto.

But that was never a problem, was it? Naruto had feelings for her, he loved her and that's all that mattered.

"Are you going to eat that?" Choji asks, his mouth already full. I shook my head and pushed it gently in his direction. All my friends had been extremely kind to me, trying their best to make me feel better.

I never came out and said that Naruto and I broke up. Neither did Naruto. We also never spoke to anyone about what was confessed in the tent that dreadful day. But all our friends were smart, exceptional shinobi. They figured it out soon enough.

"You haven't been eating a lot." Ino commented, a look of concern on her face. "You actually have been eating less than I have. Are you okay?"

Ino's words caused both Shikamaru and Choji to look at me oddly. Shikamaru breathed slightly, hesitant to say something. "You know, you have been looking alittle... thin?"

"Thin?" I repeated, knotting my brows together. "Is that an insult or a compliment? Either way, keep it to yourself next time, Shikamaru. You shouldn't comment on others weight. Choji doesn't appreciate it and neither do I."

Shikamaru was about to reply, until Sakura interrupted us. She looked out of breath and sweaty as she peered around the four of us. "Have any of you seen Naruto?"

Ino shot Sakura a rude look and I could tell what she was trying to get across. 'Why would you bring up Naruto in front of y/n!' I smiled slightly to myself. It was nice to know that Ino was such a great friend but she didn't need to be so protective.

"No we haven't." Shikamaru finally replied. "Try checking Ichiraku Ramen. You know he's probably-"

Sakura cut Shikamaru off quickly, "I know! I already went there but some guys said he was there one second and vanished the next!" Sakura replied breathlessly. My own heart rate picked up.

"What do you mean he vanished?" I finally perked up from beside Ino. My mind going to the worst-case scenario. The Akatsuki was after Naruto and he suddenly vanished from his favorite restaurant? Tell me the two aren't related. "Is it the Akatsuki?" I asked panicked.

Naruto and I weren't on the best terms, no, but that didn't mean I wanted anything to happen to him. He was still someone I held close to my heart, I still wanted to have a relationship with him in the future, even if we would just be friends.

"I don't know." Sakura answered, her voice mirror the same emotion mine did. She was scared for Naruto as well. "Can you guys please help me look?"

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