k. hatake | meeting team 7

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k. hatake | meeting team 7

I walk up the steps to the roof of one of the tallest buildings in Konoha. I had ran into Guy coming back from filling out paperwork at the Hokage's office, and he told me this was where Kakashi was. I would've waited until he got home, but I was too excited to see him. I had just gotten back from a two week long mission, and missed him.

It was a beautiful day and I thought about all the things Kakashi and I could do. I could maybe convince him to have a picnic with me, however that was a bit far fetched. Kakashi wasn't really into stuff like that, he would much rather stay in the house all day and read his books with me cuddled close.

'But maybe since he hadn't saw me in so long, he would make an exception.' I thought to myself, the idea of the two of us having a romantic sweet dinner under a shady tree made me smile. That smile was short lived though when I finally reached the top of the steps to find my boyfriend with three young children.

Oh crap. I forgot he met his students today.

Before I could turn to run away, a yellowed hair boy took notice of me. He gave me an unamused glare, "Do you mind? We are kind of busy here."

At his comment, Kakashi and the other two students looked my way. One was a pink haired girl, who gave me a shy smile, while the other was a dark haired boy who simply glared at me. Kakashi face flickered from bored to surprised, "I didn't know you were back."

He jumped off the railing he had been sitting on, walking closer to me. "Yeah, I just got back. Guy told me you where here so I thought I would come by. I didn't realize that you were busy." I rushed out, my words running together at how fast I was speaking. "I'm sorry, I'll go."

Kakashi grabbed my arm, pulling me back from leaving. He swiftly dipped down and kissed my cheek through his mask. The action cashing my cheeks to flush a bright red. "No, stay." He placed his arm around my shoulder, guiding me to stand in front of the three genin. Not really giving me much choice in the matter. "We were just about to do introductions."

"Alright." I laughed nervously. When I looked up to them, the expressions they held earlier had changed. The girl and yellow boy looked extremely shocked at the fact Kakashi had his arm around me. While the dark haired boy looked only a little taken back. I guess they didn't figure he had a girlfriend.

"Okay one at a time." Kakashi instructed them. He took his arm off me and leaped back to sit on the rail, the action made me slightly nervous due to how high up we were, but I ignored it. I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling more exposed now that I was out of Kakashi's arms.

Something about kids made me nervous. I always felt like they were judging me.

"Introduce ourselves?" The pink haired girl repeated. Her face contorting into an expression of confusion. "What's are we suppose to say?"

Kakashi shrugged his shoulders, "Things you like. Things you hate. Dreams for the future. Hobbies." He listed off, uninterested. "Things like that." I mentally faced palmed. This made me question why he was ever put in charge of training kids.

"Why don't you tell us stuff first? I mean, before we talk, tell us about you. So we can see how it's suppose to work." The bright orange boy rambled. I wanted to laugh, he seemed like an very interesting person.

I glanced up at Kakashi. "Yeah I think that's a good idea. Go on, babe." I teased him, "Introduce yourself."

"Me?" Kakashi pointed at himself, "I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like, things I hate- I don't feel like telling you that." The genin gasped slightly at that, though Kakashi acted like he didn't notice and continued, "My dreams for the future? I've never really thought about it. As for my hobbies, I have lots of hobbies."

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