s. gaara |shinki's chunin exams

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s. gaara | shinki's chunin exams

The house was quiet when I arrived back home after my mission. I had been delivering important information regarding the Chunin Exams to the Leaf village. While I had enjoyed visiting my previous home and seeing some old friends. It had been a long week away and I was happy to finally be back to the Sand Village to see my favorite two people.

"I'm home!" I called out, glancing around the corner to try and spot Shinki. I figured it would be a couple more hours until Gaara came home from work. He was often pretty busy and occupied with being the Kazakage. But despite that, he always managed to make time for the people he cared about.

Instead of hearing a reply, I heard the soft hum of running water. I smiled, happy to know that he was home. I decided that I would change into more comfortable clothes before coming back down to eat. That should give him enough to finish up so then we could have dinner together and catch up on things that happened while I was away.

I set the bag down on the table, the heat that radiated off it caused my arm to turn red. I knew I wouldn't feel like cooking tonight after my journey, so instead I had picked up something from my favorite restaurant on the way home. Gaara and Shinki both liked the food as well so I knew they would be happy and not complain.

As I finished changing, I heard the water cut off from the shower. Just as I turn around to go tell him to come downstairs to eat, I collided with a body that most definitely was not my son. "Gaara!" A bright smile broke out on my face upon seeing my husband.

His hair was loose and messy, still wet from the shower. The gel had since been washed out so it was back in its natural form. It looked like the way he use to wear it back when we were younger. My eyes casted downwards to notice he was almost nude, besides a towel hanging low on his hips. I couldn't help myself from taking in his figure.

"You're home." His voice made my eyes snap back up to his face. I noticed the bright gleam in his eyes, a smile made its way onto his lips. He walked up closer to me, and with his free hand that wasn't holding the towel up, cupped my cheek to bring my face closer to his. His lips pressed against mine.

I smiled into the kiss. It wasn't anything crazy, just a passionate chaste kiss, but the feeling made my body warm with love. I pulled away after a few seconds, "Hurry and get dressed. I brought home dinner."

Gaara nodded at my instructions, and I made my way downstairs to get the food set out. Just as I went to grab the plates, I heard the door open. I peaked around the frame to see the younger boy pulling his shoes off. Just as he stood back up to head upstairs, I spoke up, "A week away and you don't even seem to miss me." I signed tilting my head at him.

Shinki head shot over in my direction when he hear my voice. His green eyes instantly lighting up when he saw he standing in the doorframe, "Mom, I didn't know you were back. I thought it would be a couple more days." The dark haired boy walked up to me, and hugged me gently. "Of course I missed you."

"I missed you too." I ruffled his brown hair. The top of his head reached my shoulders, something that made me realize how much bigger he had gotten since Gaara and I first adopted him.

It was hard to believe that he wasn't going to be a kid  forever. I couldn't believe how bigger and older he was getting. He was already so mature for his age it seemed like he was just growing into the person he has always been. But it was still hard seeing the small fragile boy I had met years ago turn into a young man. I finally understood what Temari meant when she talked about how rewarding yet sad it was to watch your kids grow up.

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