n. hyuga | conflicted commander

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n. hyuga | conflicted commander

"Good morning." TenTen speaks from beside me, I glanced over to see who she was talking too and noticed Hinata Hyuga. "You started early." TenTen walks up to one of the logs and places a target broad on it perfectly centered.

I smiled brightly at, tossing a small greeting to Hinata. "Good morning, Hinata."

"Oh, good morning!" Hinata halted her actions, stopping her training to speak with us. I bend down and got out my training weapons, but before I started physically training, I pre-wrapped my hands with bandages to prevent any damages I might inflict on myself today.

"With war looming we have to hone our skills." TenTen comments taking out some strolls out, beginning her training right away. Hinata agreed with her, and watched as TenTen hit the board with all her weapons. "They say the war will be centered on Naruto but it's kind of hard to imagine that."

"I wonder how he's doing." Hinata voices outloud.  I glance over at TenTen, knowing she had just gotten back from a mission with Shikamaru to check on him and the others.

"He's probably eating some kind of local ramen special." She joked, lightheartedly. "He didn't seem too concerned."

I noticed how Hinata was surprised at TenTen statement. She must've not knew that TenTen and Shikamaru had visited Naruto. I suddenly felt bad for her, I didn't know how I would feel if others got to see Neji while I was stuck here. "I didn't except to see you here. I thought the meeting was about to adjure." I quickly tried to change the subject.

Hinata snapped out of her daydream, a shy look etched across her face. "Oh yes, your right. Has brother Neji already left?"

I nodded, "He headed there after dropping me off with TenTen." I replied thinking back to the older boy. We had gotten together for breakfast before having to part ways when it was close to time for the Hygua Clan meeting. I decided I would train with TenTen in the meantime and after he was finished, he would come by so we could spend more time together. I just hoped nothing happened at the meeting that would upset him.

A distant voice broke me out of my own thoughts. I looked over and saw Hinata's caretaker, Ko Hyuga calling out to her that it was almost time. Hinata turned back to TenTen and I, exchanging her goodbye before running off to Ko.

TenTen and I trained beside each other for a while trying to sharpen our skills. After a while, we decided to try to do one on one combat. She helped me expand my long distance fighting styles, while I helped her learn a few tricks on close combat fighting. After a while, we both had sweat dripping down our faces and our breathing was labored.

"I'm surprised the meeting isn't over yet." TenTen mentioned as she packed up her strolls. We had a couple hours of training down, and were both worn out. Luckily Lee wasn't here to pressure us into staying longer. Although I did miss him.

"Yeah, me too. It's taken longer than I expected it to." I replied, unwrapping my hands. Despite my efforts to prevent damages, my hands were covered in cuts and bruises. "Just my luck." I muttered, mostly to myself.

After I finished packing everything, I said my goodbyes to TenTen and headed over to where Neji was. He was suppose to come to me but since I finished before him, I decided no harm would come if I waited for him. Just as I arrived, I saw him walking down the steps exiting the building along with many other members of his clan.

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