h. senju | hokage-sama

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h. senju | hokage-sama

"Ah! Hashirama." I jump slightly, after feeling him press himself behind me. He ignores me, as he pushes my hair to the side, placing a soft kiss on my neck. I closed my eyes at the feeling, leaning back into his warm touch. I breathed out uneasily, "Someone could walk in at any minute." I open my eyes glancing towards the door. "People are constantly coming in here; It's not a good idea."

"Come on. I missed you while you were gone." He stops momentarily to reply before his hand travels down to go under my shirt. "I want you."

I push his hand away gently, and pull myself away from his grasp. I knew if I stood there for much longer, I would cave. "Can you imagine what would happen if someone caught us?" I spin on my heel, turning to face him. His warm brown eyes stared back at me, knowing what I said was true. "It would be different if we weren't so... complicated."

Complicated. That word did little to grasp the concept of our relationship.

Although Hashirama and I loved each other, we could never be together. Our fates were already seals by arranged marriages that both our families forced us into. Hashirama was to marry Mito of the Uzumaki clan to establish an alliance. While I was arranged to marry, someone in my own clan, Madara Uchiha.

It wasn't that I hated Madara, or Mito for that matter. Both of them were amazing people, they just weren't the right one for either of us. Madara wasn't Hashirama.

"I know, I know, but-" He walks back towards me slowly. His warm hand, reaches out and grips my waist, pulling me back into him. "Come on. I know you want me too." He leans back down, his lips itches from my face. "It will be fun."

Without waiting for my reply, Hashirama hoisted me up on the desk. When I didn't object, he pushed himself in between my legs and started to leave kisses along my neck. I stretched out my neck, partly to give him more space and partly so I could watch the door.

"You worry too much." The brunette whispered on my neck, one of his hands turned my face back to him. "I want you watching me. Not the door."

Once again, I didn't object to him. Instead I brought my hands up to tug his long brown hair. His hands roamed my body, and he reached to take off my shirt. Just as his fingers looped around the button, I pushed him away from me and grabbed a stack of papers sitting on the edge of the desk.

Before Hashirama had a chance to ask me why I had pushed him away, Tobirama walked into the office. Not a word was spoken between the three of us as Tobi quickly dropped the top stack of papers on his brothers table before walking right back out the door. He didn't look up once, luckily for us, because if he had he would have definitely noticed my smudged lipstick and Hashirama's messy hair.

"I told you it was too risky, I whisper yelled at him, lightly smacking him on the arm once I knew Tobi was out of range. "But no, you just think I worry too much!"

The Senju smirks, and I automatically sense he has something up his sleeve. I watch him carefully as he sits down in his chair at his desk. Once he was comfortable he placed his hand on the small of my back and pulls me closer to him. Just when I thought he was going to guide me on his lap, he looks me directly into my eyes. "You we're right, being out like that is too risky."

I nod my head, ready to reply but he cuts me off. "So get under the desk." My mouth drops open at his words. The fact that he would want to continue after almost getting caught by his brother baffled me.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You heard me." His hand trailed up my arm until it reached the top of my shoulder.

"I'm not doing that. We almost just got caught and you're asking me to-"

"I wasn't asking." His dark eyes stared holes into me, his stare made me feel like my body was on fire. "It was a order. Do you dare disobey your Hokage?"

The shock worn off instantly, and was instead replaced by a more sinful feeling. I stood there for a few seconds before slowing falling to my knees in front of him. My hands rested on both of his knees, spreading them apart to make room for myself. I blinked up at him with my best innocent face, "Of course not, Hokage-Sama."

I went right to work, and within seconds Hashirama had my hair tied up in his hand in a makeshift ponytail. All I could hear was his sounds of pleasure and encouragement as he guided me along him.

Until, I heard the door open again.

"Hashirama." The one and only deep voice of Madara Uchiha boomed throughout the room. My head went back to stop but a hand stopped me. Hashirama guided my head along as he spoke back to my future husband. "What is it now, Madara?"  

My eyes watered slightly as he kept making me take more. The sound of his and Madara voice going back and forth just as I did. I could sense his unravel was near when he slowed down his forceful actions on my head. I decided to get my own payback at that point, finishing him by pushing him over right in front of his best friend.

I knew he struggled to contain his euphoria as his grip on my hair got tighter. He camouflaged his grunts and groans so poorly I wondered how Madara didn't catch on to what was going on. His eyes were supposedly the most powerful but he was too blind to realize his future wife was pleasuring his best friend right under his nose. Literally.

Right after Hashirama finished, and I helped clean him up, he quickly finished up his business with Madara as well. The Uchiha was out the door in a matter of seconds, and I was pulled back up into Hashirama's lap before I could utter a word.

His face looked at me in astonishment, almost as if he didn't believe I had just done what I done. Especially since I warned him of exactly what happened. "You didn't stop when he walked in?" Hashirama spoke, his words sounding more like a question than a statement.

"You didn't order me to, Hokage-Sama."

Hashirama smirked, "Exactly, and I still haven't." When the last word left his lips, his eyes stared into my own has he pushed me back down onto my knees.

Okay so it's been a while, and this is kinda different from what I normally write about. But I hole you enjoy!
Also check out my other books!

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