k. hatake | secrets

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k. hatake | secrets

He was hiding something. I just knew it.

I sat across from him, eyeing him intensely as he read his book. Except, I knew he wasn't actually reading it. Usually, when he read, I could notice his eyes scanning over each sentence. But now, he was just blankly staring in one spot until he flipped the page. Every few minutes he would glance over at the clock impatiently.

"Do you have somewhere else to be?" I finally asked. Finding myself obsessing over what he was doing, or more importantly, what he hadn't been doing.

It was our 1st year anniversary and all I got was a card and some roses.

I told myself I would be happy with whatever he got me, but I wasn't expecting so little. And I didn't expect much from the beginning anyways, because to be fair, he had just gotten back from a week long mission yesterday. But I still found it hard to believe after all the amazing things he had done for me in the past year, just randomly, that he would be so bland with our first anniversary.

And even if it was a card and rose, that would have been fine if I had at least got to spend time with him today. But so far he was kept to himself, barely even paying any attention to me.

"Uh yeah, actually." He replied, smiling nervously as his eyes met my narrow ones. "Did I forget to mention I had to help Guy today?" He set his book down flat on the table, reaching for the black mask just a few inches beside it.

I frowned, "Can it not wait til tomorrow?" I questioned, he shook his head.

I couldn't believe him. Was he seriously ditching me for Might Guy? Looking down, I began playing with a loose thread on my pajama bottoms, not wanting to look up at him. "Really? I thought maybe it could just be the two of us today. Here. Alone."

I glanced up to see his reaction or rather lack there of. Kakashi froze momentary, his eyes glancing over at me. For a second, I thought that maybe he would stay. But that second came and left when he grabbed his keys, smiling apologetically. "I'm sorry baby, this is just really important. It can't wait."

He used the cute nickname because he knew I loved when he called me baby. It usually helped me from getting too upset with him, but today I ignored it.

He noticed how my shoulders slumped down, my eyes solely focusing on the thread that was getting longer by the seconds that passed. I heard him shuffle over to me, his warm hands caused goosebumps to form on my arms. "Look at me." He gently tilted my chin up to meet his face. He pecked my lips softly before pulling away to look at me, "I promise it won't take long. Then I'm completely yours, I promise."

My shoulders slumped once more, but I didn't bother trying to stop him. He pecked my lips one more time before he hurried out the door, tossing a quick 'I love you' before the door slammed shut behind him. My eyes stayed focused on the door for minutes after he left, finding it hard to wrap my head around what just happened.

No freaking way did my boyfriend just ditch me for someone who quotes the power of youth every five seconds.

My body reacted before my mind could full process what I planned on doing. I threw my hair up in a bun, put on some neater clothes, and a pair of sunglasses before jumping out the window to follow Kakashi.

It didn't take me long to catch up with him on the street over from our apartment. I jumped off the building I was on, to hide behind him in a nearby building. I continue to follow him from the ground, ducking behind something when he would occasionally glance back.

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