n. uzumaki | still? always.

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n. uzumaki | still? always.

The first thing I felt, after I finally woke up, was the excruciating pain. It radiated from top of my head, to the the tips of my toes. My muscles burned with each movement, no matter how gentle I tried be. I thought it was the worst pain imaginable, until I remembered why I felt like this.

How he hurt me.

Then, the most painful part of my body was settled in my heart. The heartbreak of knowing that the one person I felt safest with, was now the one who had hurt me the hardest.

I forced my eyes open open not long after I came too, knowing I wouldn't be able to pretend I was out much longer. The bright light illuminating the room, through the open windows, sent a pang through my head. I could make out figures around me, but my vision was too blurry at first to make out who.

In seconds, the blobs turned into something more. I could make out hair, and bodies, a pair of arms that reached out to me. Soft and gentle, as they touched my battered body.

Tsunade's golden eyes were the first ones I looked into, I could see within them the pity she held for me. The older women was someone I had grown close to in the matter of years she had been Hokage. I was one of her star pupils, and in the time I've been by her side, she has learned to read me like a book.

And right now, she knew the pain that not just laid as bruises on my body, but much deeper in my heart.

I tried not to look, not wanting to talk about anything, to anyone. Naruto Uzumaki was supposed to be my comrade, my friend, but most importantly someone who loved me. But in that moment, he was someone -no, something, terrifying.

It scared me to even think about.

"Y/n..." A voice finally met my ears; one that did not belong to Tsunade. I glance other, squinting my eyes to focus on the man in the room. It didn't take long, even with blurry sight, to see that the man standing in the corner was Jiraiya.

I knew why he was here. Like Tsunade was my mentor, Jiraiya was Naruto's.

I noticed how he trailed his words off. It was interesting to see how completely different he seemed. It was like he was scared to say anything despite having something to say. "He didn't mean to hurt you." He breathed out deeply, "Trust me. When he discovered what he had done, he..."

His eyes trailed off from me, his lips tightening into a frown. I wondered what he was going to say, I wanted to know what he meant by Naruto discovering what he had done.

Didn't he know? He had done it himself... hadn't he?

Before I could form a question myself, Jiraiya suddenly stood up. I lowered my eyes as he approached me slowly, only meeting them when he stopped a few feet away. "I want to show you something," He glanced over at Tsunade, as if he was asking her permission.

Although hesitant, she nodded. The old sage turned back to me where he slowly pulled up his shirt to show me a huge scar on his stomach going up into his lower chest. It was nearly covering his entire stomach, my eyes trained across the area wondering what he could have possibly happened to create a monster scar like that. And honestly, how he managed to survive.

"It's pretty bad, huh?" He joked lightly, my eyes trailed back up to meet his. But his eyes were looking down at the scar too, he eyed it solemnly before pulling his shirt back down. "I got it the same way you got yours."

Before I could stop myself, his name slipped through my lips, "Naruto?"

The white haired man nodded, "Mostly my fault, I was trying to help him control the nine tails but it was too much for him." He finally glanced back up to me, "He really can't control it, Y/n. He would never willingly hurt me, you, or any of his comrades. You know that; you know Naruto better than anyone else."

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