k. hatake | late

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I've had this in my drafts for MONTHS. I was going to make it into a two or three parter but I don't know anymore. Let me know in the comments if you would be interested in something like that.

k. hatake | late

Kakashi had been late again.

To say I was livid would have been an understatement. I usually would have understood that he was a busy man, but tonight was very important to me and he knew it. I made a point to remind him as much as I could so he wouldn't forget. All so we could finally have a romantic dinner, just the two of us, with no interruptions.

I wanted everything tonight to be perfect. Even despite not feeling the best, I cleaned the house, cooked Kakashi's favorite for dinner, and made an effort to nice. And with the way I have been feeling lately, doing all this wasn't easy.

I had done it because I wanted the night, I told Kakashi he was going to be a father, to be perfect.

But here I am, two hours after the time he was suppose to be here, alone.

Well, I guess technically I wasn't alone, because of the baby that was growing inside me. At the thought of the little baby, I placed my hand over my stomach. "At least I'll have you now." I whispered, tears forming in my eyes.

The pregnancy emotions were at an all time high. The angry feeling I had seemed to have been erased by the overwhelming saddens. Why didn't he show up? I told him how important this was. Does he not care about me anymore?

My mind flashed back to when Kakashi and I first started dating. How sweet and kind he was to me, and even though he would always be late he made up for it somehow. He would bring flowers, gifts, or make it up to me in more intimate ways. But tonight, there was nothing he could do to make up for anything.

To be honest, I didn't even want to be here when he tried. I was scared I would cave and I really wanted to stand my ground.

If I knew anything, it was that I didn't want an unreliable person in my life. Even more so, when I was about to become a mother. I understood that Kakashi picked up on Obito's old habit of being late but, at some point, he had to realize it wasn't always a good idea. Especially when I begged him to be on time tonight.

I left the kitchen the way it was- all beautiful and decorated with the cold meal, I hadn't even brother to eat, still laid out. Then I went to my room and changed into more comfortable clothes before packing an overnight bag.

I didn't know whether to feel lucky or angry at the fact I made it out before Kakashi got back.

I made my way a couple streets down before I knocked on the door of one of my closest friends. In an instant my eyes met her deep red ones. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" She asked me, her thin eyebrows knotted together in confusion. Despite my unannounced visit, she ushered me inside where I was met with another person.

I blush slightly as I laid eyes on Asuma. No doubt they had been having quality time alone together, and I had clearly intruded. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." I apologize quickly, "I should go." I went to turn towards the door but Kurenai stopped me. She grabbed my arm and pulled me down to sit beside her on the couch.

"No you came all the way over here for something. What is it?" She asked, her eyes looking over me. She instantly noticed my puffy red eyes. "Why are you upset? I thought you had plans with Kakashi tonight." She placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. I laughed dryly.

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