Chapter 33

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The Past

"What are you doing with-" he asks stopping mid sentence as he's bombarded by the sudden realization that we were looking at the face of a murderer.

"No it can't be" he says.

I throw the picture on the bed.
"Why would she give us the picture Deacon" I say getting up and walking to the crying baby.

"To try and create division" he says more like he was asking a question.

"Are you seriously the one saying all of that" I ask cradling Sior in my arms "the very man who abandoned you years ago, yet still you believe he's some Saint"

"My father is no Saint but he's definitely not a murderer" he defends watching as Sior starts to suckle.

"Think about it. What does Natalie have to gain from any this" I say "Your father is the only one who would want to have control over your life. It's a father thing. He's also the only one who has the money to keep tabs on you. The only one with the money to send gun men after me and your sisters. If that isn't substantive I don't know what is"

"Why would he send people to kill Daniella and the others. That doesn't make sense" he asks. .

"Did you look at the car" I says feeling my voice "where the bullets hit"

Sior wiggles around in my arms.
"They were aimed at the driver's side. Mine. If anyone got hurt it wouldn't be planned. It would be collateral"

I watch as the dots connect in his head. He was obviously in disbelief. I couldn't imagine my father taking a life or being the mastermind behind the murder. I didn't blame him.
"why would he do this" he asks "he ruined my life"

"You can still live" I tell him.

"This is not the life I wanted to live" he yells.

My eyes widen as I stare at his scowl.
"I know I wasn't supposed to be a part of your life. I know you wanted better than me but it doesn't change the fact that your father is a criminal and he has to be stopped" I say softly "if not for me than for your daughter"

He goes to say something but the doctor walks in the room.
"How are mom and baby doing" she asks.

"We're doing good. I'm a little sore but good" I answer before glancing back at the empty spot where Deacon was standing.

"Okay I'm just going check her vitals and yours then I'll be out your hair" she says.

I nod my head and gazed upon Sior's face. Her blueish orbs gazed back at mine inquisitively. My heart ached for her. This is not the world I'd want her to grow up in. One where I'm always looking over my shoulder, running from my life.

What would it mean for her. Will she survive or die along with me if I do nothing. Now that she's in my life I can't imagine a world without her. Her father is very confused right now. So the decision is up to me. I have to be the selfish one in this situation. It's me or it's Dimitri

The doctor takes her from my arms and walks back to the incubator. I take that moment to reach for my phone and call August. He picks up on the second ring.
"Hey" I say "can you come to the hospital. I need your help"


August walks into the room with a tub of ice cream in his hand. He smiles as he sees Sior.
"She really looks like you" he says.

"I think she's prettier" I respond "how are you"

"I'm good" he says "I got the rest I needed thanks to you"

"Well that's good to hear because you need all the energy you can get for what I'm about to tell you"

He raises an eyebrow.

"Dimitri James is the man who has been trying to kill me" I say "Natalie confirmed it herself"

August doesn't look surprised.
"But you already knew that didn't you" I continue.

"I had my suspicions" he says "but I wasn't sure"

"He doesn't know about Sior" I tell him "unless one of the girls mentioned it"

They said I must trust them. So I did.
"You're not safe here" he tells me "or on the private island. So where do you suggest we take you"

"I'm tired of running" I say "I'm tired of being the victim and the only place where I know I'm gonna be safe is the only place where I can keep an eyes on the Lion. Its den"

"You're not serious"

"I am. It's obvious no one knows about it. So he won't attempt anything while I'm around them. That's the only thing that  guarantee my safety"

August looks unconvinced but agrees anyways.
"Okay what's your plan"

"First I need to ensure I have a task team at hand. One that will help me out if shit hits the fan" I say "I'm calling Detective Merton"

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