Chapter 30

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"I've been trying to think about who Natalie might be working for" I hum.
I lean against August, our naked bodies comforting each other. Yes we sleep together but Deacon knows.

"Yeah and who have you concluded" he asks then places a wet kiss on my shoulder.

"Someone who has to know who I am, who Deacon is and where we are" I say "I've also been thinking about the times I was almost killed"

August cringes.

"Natalie isn't working alone I think she has an accomplice"


"At first I thought it was you and Lisa but I know I'm wrong" I say "you're helping me out and she's more focused on her public image"

"You really thought I'd kill you" he asks.

"I knew about the affair you were having with Natalie surely you noticed" I say.

"Yes but that's not a good reason to kill you" he says "and beside we were both guilty parties. I figured we wouldn't rat each other out"

He did have a point.
"This only leaves one person" I muse "Carly Whenit"

"Why would she want you dead" he asks.

"That's what I don't know"

August and I discuss the many reasons as to why someone wants me dead.

"Think about it" he says with a gleam in his eye "You're not the first person to die, remember Magdeleen"

"How do you know about Magdeleen" I asks suspiciously.

"At times Natalie discussed her patients with me, Carly was one of them. She always spoke about Magdaleen and Deacon and how jealous she was of them.

I bite onto my index finger.
"Carly seemed almost triumphant at the death of her sister" he says "I think she might have had something to do with it"

"but it turns out that Deacon didn't want her back" I finished realizing the truth "so someone is trying to keep me away from Deacon, but who"

A slow clap sounds in the empty house.
"My my my aren't y'all clever" a sinister voice sounds followed by a swift laugh.

Carly appears in our line of sight, gun in hand.
"I must say it took me quite a while to find you sister" she hisses almost like a snake "you did a good job at keeping her hidden"

"How did you find us Carly" I ask "and I'm not your sister. Not anymore"

"You can thank Doctor Goldman for that" she shrugs "he was a hard man to kill"

I feel bad for the poor man. He was dead because of me.
"You didn't have to kill him" I say clutching my jaw "What do you want from me"

"See Jessie I've been trying to get with Deacon for many years" she hums "I tried to get to him first but Magdeleen got into the way. I was happy at the news of her death but I'd never have killed her"

"Get to the point"

"I was so close to being with him when he chose you instead of me and that's when I realized that I had to remove everyone before I got to him" she says.

"Who are you working for" August asks.

"I don't work for anyone Mr Heights, I'm a lone wolf" she says.

"So why are you working with Natalie" I ask "surely you must realize we figured it all out"

"Natalie" she whispers "I was going to get rid of her but I realized that she might work in my favor by getting rid of you but she failed"

"Carly, killing me won't make Deacon love you" I try to reason with her "I think it's time you move on"

"Don't tell me what do" she screams "I'm going to get Deacon"

"No you're not" August interjects "Deacon loves Jessie not you"

"He'll learn to love me if I'm the only one left" she counters.

"So are you planning to kill every women in the world" August asks in a WFT voice.

"If that's what it takes" she whispers "if that's what it takes"

"You realize how crazy that sounds right" I ask, feeling really sad for this deranged woman.

Carly points the gun at us clearly ignoring our words.
"that's what love does"

Two shots go off and I close my eyes and cover my ears. I await the feeling of pain but it never comes. A loud thud hits the ground. I peel my eyes open to see Carly on the ground. She holds onto her stomach. Blood spills onto the floor through her fingers and she spits out blood.

Behind her is Andre with a gun in his hand. August huffs before getting to his feet. I have no idea when he wore his pants.
"We need to get rid of the body"

"Take it back to the city" I instuct.

August and Andre pick Carly up from the ground and disappear.
I lean back and feel tears pour out my eyes.
"Baby" I whisper staring at my diamond ring.

So much has happened in my life ever since I met Deacon. Maybe if I hadn't taken the job at S. Y. B. my mom would still be alive and I'd still be living with both my parents. Now what do I do.

I'm being hunted down for being in love. An eighteen year old close to nineteen. I still have so much to live for. So what if I die. What about my child, Deacon and my father.

I stand up and put my clothes on. Getting a bucket, water and soap. I clean the blood staining the floor. It was a hard thing to do. I gaged many times before I was finally done.
I had blood on my hands.

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