Chapter 23

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I am awakened by the sound of the door opening. My first thought is that it's Deacon coming back home.
"D is that you" I ask.

The figure remains silent. Getting closer and closer to my bed with every step they take. I move my hand to the lamp on the bedside table. It fails to turn on.

I scramble out of bed but the covers trip me.
"Shit" I say my body slamming hard against the floor.

Hot liquid starts traveling down my legs and I look down to see blood smeared across my dress.
"No" I cry "my baby no please don't die"

I waste too much time sitting on the ground and crying because soon it's standing in front of me.
The figure takes hold of my neck.
He lifts me off the ground and like a doll he walks us to the balcony.

I feel the air being drawn from my lungs. I claw at the grip around my neck. The grip that's suffocating me.
"Please" I beg.

The figure steps further onto the balcony making me hover over the edge. I can't see who it is.
"Pl-please" I stutter.

Tears are dripping down my face. I feel air suddenly flow into my lungs but I realize I'm falling.

A scream rips through my mouth and I wake up panting and looking around. Beads of sweat are littered all over my face. The room is dimly lit and I realize it's around late five o'clock.
Someone takes hold of my hand and I flinch.
"Relax it's me" he whispers gently caressing my hair.

I hold tightly onto Deacon. He doesn't ask me questions. He just provides me with comfort.
Minutes pass before I finally pull away remembering that he didn't come home last night. And surely enough he was still in the suit from yesterday.
"How did everything go with the dinner" he asks.

"Good for most parts but I don't think Damien likes me" I say pulling the covers off and climbing out of bed.

"He's like that Jess" he shrugs "don't take it to heart"

How could I not when he threatened me not to break your heart I think.
I nod my head and go to the bathroom. I turn the water on in the bathtub and quickly pee and brush my teeth.

"Where are you going so early" he asks.

He is standing shirtless. His abs tighten when he walks to me.
"Mr James you're too unfair with that gorgeous body of yours"

Deacon smirks at me.
"I try" he chuckles.

"Well Savanah invited me out with all the girls" I say.

"Don't go" he whines "spend time with me"

"I have to make a good impression D" I laugh "and besides I already agreed I can't bail now"

I open the closet and take out light blue jeans and a beige colored baggy jersey and matching boots.

I walk back into the room but Deacon is nowhere to be seen. I walk to the bathroom to find him in the bathtub.

"I do believe this is my water and my chance to take a bath" I giggle.

Deacon smiles and watches me from under his lashes.
"Let me feel your skin against mine"

I blush but undress myself and slowly get in the tub. I try to face him but he pulls me so my back is pressed up against his chest.
My belly sticks out from under the water.

"Are you afraid of being a mother" he asks.

I think about it for a moment. I mean it's something I've never been before and it happened so unexpectedly. I don't even have my parents to help me. I'm honestly just afraid of messing up.
"A little bit" I confess.

We sit in silence, both struck by the realization that we are going to be parents. I am an eighteen year old mother impregnated by a man ten years my senior. We aren't even married. I don't want to raise my child in a broken family.

I knew how my parents would have reacted. After finding out that I was pregnant they would have forced Deacon to marry me. It would be the right thing to do.

"You'll be amazing" he says to me.

"I hope so"


My boots click against the tiles. Deacon walks beside me. He actually hadn't seen his siblings yet.
"Deacy" Daniella squeals running into his awaiting arms "I haven't seen you in forever. Look how much you've grown little bro"

Deacon smiles.
"I've grown, look at you" he laughs "a whole woman"

"Well you know, I try" she giggles.

Darius appears behind her. Engulfing his younger brother in a hug they remain silent. The connection between the two is unmistakable.

It's clear that between all the siblings the two were closer to each other than the average brother bond.
"I'm proud of you" Darius tells Deacon "Father should have never abandoned you"

His words make my heart skip a beat.
"Come on Darius, father would never abandon any of us" Daniella says quickly defending her so called righteous father.

"Don't start Daniella, we are both too old to be arguing over this shit again" he counters.

I stare between the two feeling awkward at being in between an argument amongst siblings.

I see Savanah beckoning me from the door. In silence she cups her hand. I start to silently step away. After taking a few first steps. Damien's pompous voice fills the large entrance area.
"A million was too much for the youngest" he hums indifferently "father should have frozen your account so you can actually suffer"

I was beyond enraged. I had only known Damien for a few hours but I was already fed up with him and his spoiled brat attitude.
"And what of you" I find myself saying "if your assets were frozen now, will daddy's money be enough or is everything you own actually his"

Everyone stares at me with wide eyes. I glare at Damien.
"I don't know what fucked up mentality you have but you watch how you talk to other people, let alone your own brother"

"The bitch has balls" Damien smirks.

"Yeah" I reply "the bitch has balls and I'll shove them down your throat so you can choke on your bullshit"

Deacon walks to me and wraps an arm around my waist.
"It's okay" he says and gently places his forehead against mine.

With one sweet endearing kiss. I walk to Savanah who has a massive smirk on her face.
She swings the door open and as I take a step out I look back to Damien. He has his fists balled up but the smirk remains on his face.

All the girls clap hands for me.
All except one.
Louise watches on without emotion. Clearly displeased with what just happened.
Savanah bumps into my hip.
"Don't worry about her, she just doesn't like it when Damien is upset"

"Should you not be upset" I asked "you are his first wife afterall"

Savanah sighs and leads me to the car.
"Damien is an amazing person and as much as that is hard to believe he truly is but lately something has been off about him. I think he needs a little knock on the head if you know what I mean"

I nod my head and wait for her to continue.

"I can acknowledge when he's wrong Jessie" she says "what kind of wife would I be if I defend him with everything he says or does, good or bad"

"He was wrong"

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