Chapter 24

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The car ride is interesting. We play many games like truth or dare and never have I ever.
On the trip with me are all the girls.

Daniella the fashion mogul. Smoldering  icy blue eyes with long black hair and an average body. She's a mother of two, twins.

Savanah the international model. She's tall with long toned legs. Blonde hair in thick curls surrounds her beautiful face. Enhancing her bright green eyes. She is a mother of three.

Louise the professional football coach. She's the complete opposite of Savanah. Although also beautiful she has short brown hair and light blue eyes. She's short and is more curvy.

Elise the actress. She has dark beautiful brown skin. Her hair is large and curly. Dark ringlets contrast her piercing hazel eyes. Her smile brightens up the entire world. She has only one kid but plans to have another soon.

Lastly is Zaphina the neuro surgeon. Her red hair is tied into a neat bun and tiny freckles litter her face. She doesn't have children yet but she's currently expecting. I had seen her yesterday but with all that had been happening I never asked her about it. She's five months pregnant.

"So Jessie what's your story. Tell us about yourself" Elise says.

"Well I'm eighteen years old-" I start.

"Wait you're eighteen" Daniella gasps "but you're so mature"

I smile at her compliment.
"Thank you"

"So what about school, did you finish early" Zaphina says almost like she was speaking her thoughts out loud "schools should still be open back there"

I shift uncomfortably in my seat. Deacon warned me not to trust anyone. Should I tell them the truth.

"She dropped out" I hear Louise say "why, is the question"

I try to avoid questioning.
"I didn't have a choice" I admit.

"And why's that" Elise asks "did you get expelled"

No. I'm running away from a killer.

Before anymore questions can be brought up to me the car stops. Savanah squeals.
"You're gonna love this place, we have it all booked out just for us"

They all scurry out the car. In front of us is a water park. The place is huge. Absolutely beautiful. A multitude of rides and slides litter the hactares of land.

"I didn't bring anything for water" I mumble.

"Don't worry, everything you need is here" Zaphina smiles.

We walk beside each other.
"Oh my gosh you guys we have to try the death spiral" Daniella squeals.

There's a lady at the entrance. She smiles when she sees us.
"Hello and welcome to Dead man's paradise and no, no one has died under our care" she giggles almost like a robot "our main attraction is the death spiral"

She glances at Zaphina.
"It's is not advisable for anyone under the age of sixteen, over 300 pounds and under 75 pounds and for women who are over 2 months pregnant"

Well there goes my opportunity.

"If you will please follow me I'll lead you to your changing rooms"

She leads us to the changing rooms. Each room takes two people. Everyone pairs up and Zaphina offers to pair up with me.

In silence we unpack each basket stacked for us. In it is a pure white bikini and a full body costume. A big blue towel and a smaller white one. There are flip flops, a pair of glasses, a hat, sunscreen, ribbons, a swimming cap and goggles.

"Wow they really had everything prepared" I comment.

Zaphina looks up from the seat she's sitting on.
"We paid them a small fortune. They must" she chuckles.

I can't help but watch her as she undresses. She slips out of her dress and folds it. She takes her white bikini and walks to the rest room. Five minutes later she walks out. Her round tummy taunts me.

Her eyes meet mine.
"Aren't you changing" she asks.

"I'm not confident enough to wear a costume" I lie.

"No one is going to judge you Jessie" she says "we all have different bodies, I'm pregnant but I'm wearing a bikini"

She did have a point.

But I just didn't trust that they'd not judge me. So many things are just wrong.

I hesitate.

Zaphina looks at me for a few seconds before realization flashes in her yes.
"Of course" she says.

"What" I ask.

"You dropped out of school and you're here with a man, you eat like crazy and your mood changes quickly and you wear baggy clothes" she states.

My palms start becoming sweaty at every point she makes. She suddenly walks towards me. Taking hold of the bottom of my jersey she flips it up. My over three month belly pops out.
"You're pregnant"

I look anywhere but her.
"Why didn't you say anything" she asks "does nobody know, not even Livy or Dimitri"

I shake my head.

"Why don't you want them to know" she asks.

I shrug down my jersey and sit down.
"I didn't exactly get a welcome weagon when I came" I say "I was already seen as a gold digger I didn't want to be seen as a whore too"

"Jessie you can trust us" she says "none of us would hurt you or treat you badly no matter where you come from or what you've done or been through"

She takes my hands.
"No matter what, we are here for you, marriage or not"

"Thank you" I whisper wishing the tears that wanted to fall back into my eyes.

"Now how about you wear that bikini and show us your banging body" she winks.

I laugh.

I silently strip out of my clothes and wear the white bikini. I walk to the floor length mirror and stare at myself.
"I never thought my life would be this way" I find myself saying.

Zaphina makes her way to the mirror and we both stare at our own reflections.
"Everything happens for a reason" she sighs "the sooner we accept that the better we'll be able to handle all the trauma we experience"

She takes my hand.
"Now come on"

We walk out our changing room side by side. Everyone else had already left. They are all lounging around the pool with drinks in hand.
"There you guys are" Savanah says "We could have sworn you were taken"

All the girls let out giggles. At that moment I was concealed behind Zaphina. When I finally step out I'm met with complete silence. Everyone stares at my stomach.

I shift my legs uncomfortably. I hated to assume what was going through their minds. Suddenly Elise squeals.
"Oh my gosh we're going to have two babies"

"Do my parents know about this" Daniella questions.

"No one knows guys and I think it's best if we keep it between us yeah" Zaphina responds "now how about we go have some fun"

Not giving anyone time to argue, Zaphina takes my hand and leads me to a water slide. We climb onto floats and wait to be pushed.
"Remember no forced rocky movements, otherwise you'll topple and might get seriously injured" the instructor says.

We nod our heads and off we were. The floats fall rapidly and I throw my hands up in the sky letting out a loud cheer. For that moment I had forgotten about all my troubles.

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