Chapter 22

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3 months later

I stare at myself in the mirror. Something I've been doing for the past three months. I was now showing and the bump was more like a little hump.

We've been keeping it a secret from his parents and the media. I spent most of my time in the room or in the garden outside and sometimes indoor pool. Whenever I went out I'd wear really baggy clothes so no one could tell but soon enough I know we'd have to tell them.

I put on black stockings and a big red jersey dress. It was big enough not to even touch my stomach. It was the best thing to wear for this occasion.

Thankfully I hadn't gained much weight just a pound or two. I throw on my black heels and make my way out the room.

Tonight is the new comers dinner. Deacon couldn't be here because he had to attend another event. I was going to face the family alone.
Was I nervous? Beyond comprehension.

Livy had been the only person to be nice to me. Dimitri on the other hand regarded me as nothing. I couldn't complain. They have been keeping me safe. Safer than I would have been back home or on my own.

I walk down the flight of stairs. Livy is waiting for me at the bottom.
"There you are, everyone is here"

I walk behind her and we enter the dinning room. My self-esteem plummets. Before me are the most beautiful people I've ever seen. It was no shock to see why Deacon is so handsome. Looking at his brothers and sister and whoever else they came with. I looked ugly compared to them and I'm man enough to admit that.

The raven haired girl stands up first. She has a big smile on her face. She approaches me with a small gift box in her hand.
"Hi I'm Daniella James-Antonio" she says "I'm the oldest of the four of us"

She calls the man who was sitting beside her.
"This is my husband Bryson Antonio"

She engulfs me in a soft hug.
"It's lovely to meet you Jessie" she says.

Next is an older woman. Maybe in her late thirties.
"I'm Amanda James" she says "Dimitri's second wife"

She also gives me a hug.

Why are they all so formal.

Next is a man similar looking to Deacon. Then again they all looked the same. Similar icy blue eyes and raven colored hair.
He takes hold of my hand and places a gentle kiss on it.
"I'm Damien James, Daniella's twin" he introduces.

Next is a tall blond model like girl.
"I'm Savanah, Damien's first wife" she says.

Followed by a silver haired girl. Slightly older than I perhaps.
"I'm Louise, Damien's second wife"

Did all the James men have more than one wife. Does that mean Deacon will have to have two wives too.
His other brother Darius James introduced himself along with his first wife Zaphina and his second wife Elise.

The maids come serve us food. Placing it all on the table and disappearing. The table is big enough to host a group of fourteen people. Two chairs at the table are empty and I realized that one chair was for Deacon and the other for his potential other woman.

The food is really amazing and I find myself focusing on eating rather than on Dimitri's hard stare. He'd been watching me the entire time and I refused to give him my attention. Instead I made small conversation with Elise who was sitting beside me.

I was halfway through my food when Damien called my name.
"So Jessie" he calls "is that really your entire name"

"No" I respond after swallowing my food. Man I'm so hungry.
"My full name is Jessilmariannlouise" I smile " as a kid my mother had always tried to teach me the name but I always only caught the Jessie part"

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