Chapter 12

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I pull the ribbon on my hair tighter. I was happy with my appearance. I tanned nicely. I was able to afford better looking clothes and what I was wearing hugged my body in all the right places.

I was finally going back to school after a whole dramatic break. Who would have thought that a messed up summer job would lead to the luxury life I'm living now.

I swing my bag over my shoulder and leave my room. Deacon is sitting by the kitchen island. There's a whole assortment of food on the kitchen island.

"Did you make all of this" I ask.

"Yes choose what you want" he says typing on his laptop.

"A man that good looking and can cook" I moan thoughtlessly "I think I might want you"

Shit did I say that out loud.

He looks up at me. His gaze makes me clench my thighs.
"Are you sure you want to go down that road" he smirked "you'll be late for school and you'll limp all day"

"Sounds divine" I challenge biting my lip. Yes I'm just going with the flow. Don't judge me.

He chuckles and stands up from his chair. He closes the laptop and hooks it under his arm. He walks towards me and I stare at him with innocent eyes.

He places a sweet kiss to my forehead before saying deeply in my ear.
"I'm going to have you today Jessie and that's a promise"

He departs with a slap to my freshly bathed ass. I shake my head and serve myself breakfast.

Things have gotten better between us. I'm not certain how long it has been but ever since the rainy night and we slept in the same bed. It's been amazing.
I finally let my guard down and listened to him and boy was the sex fantastic.

I had sat down and had a stern conversation with him about re-hiring Morgan. Of course he refused to but I told him that I would just pay for him myself. Since well now I can afford. He wouldn't allow that so amidst our argument, he called Morgan and told him he could have his job back. I hugged him a thank you but he had other things in mind.

I walk out the hotel. Morgan was waiting for me by the valet parking.
"Morning Miss Donnahil where to"

"Wayward Academy"
I get into the car and Morgan drives off. He and I make small chatter as we make our way to the Academy.

Wayward academy is a prestigious school. People from all around the world traveled cross country just to get a space here. I was attending on academic bursary. The summer holiday had been a break for me but now it's time to get back to reality. Even though I had missed the first week back, I couldn't be bothered because I knew what awaited me back on academy grounds.

I wasn't exactly popular. Before summer, the biggest bitch of the school embarrassed me. She made a mockery of me in front of the whole school.
And it was all because she couldn't keep her boyfriend on lock. He came after me not the other way around. But of course when the time came he turned the story around. Who would they believe. The rich kid or the nobody.

Chad was attractive and all but he was a jackass. When I realized this it was already too late. Now you can assume that I'm the most disliked person at the school. I tried to steal the popular girl's boyfriend.

The only people who liked me were Jewels and Armon.
They were my best friends. Jewels thankfully stayed in the country but Armon had to return to France. I'm hoping I'll get to see him during the weekend. Because the whole of summer was just Jewels and I. Now we're back together.

The academy is brimming with life. Friends reuniting with each other, probably telling stories of their vacation getaways and most importantly the people that they met. I met quite a few interesting people myself but no one can know about it.

I wave goodbye as Morgan drives away. I keep my head down. The longer I can avoid eye contact the less attention I draw. My shoes make soft patters on the ground while I walk to the entrance.
I walk to my locker and put the things I don't need away and get the things that I do need. Someone leans on the locker beside me.

"Bonjour" he says.

I turn to see Amorn looking at me with intense eyes. That's how he is. His blonde hair and green-yellow eyes made the girls around him swoon. He was absolutely gorgeous. Far beyond the average male. Although he wasn't one to mess around, there was something about his personality that just screamed danger. He is the definition of sexy.

I grin and throw my arms around him. He chuckles deeply. The sound was music to my ears. There's no doubt I am attracted to my best friend. But then again who aren't I attracted to lately.
"How was France" I ask "You didn't cheat did you"

Armon stares into my eyes. A devious smirk on his face.
"Is that the first thing you can ask" he says "If I cheated on my partner"

"He left me behind why would he"

Our eyes drift to Julian who is walking towards us. He is also a handsome guy and Armon's partner. They started dating at the beginning of the year.
Trust me, all the girls including myself were disappointed.

"I've been showing him just how much I miss him during the week you bailed on us" Armon says "isn't that right baby"

Armon and Julian are both handsome and can treat someone right. Who wouldn't want either of them. I guess that's why they're perfect for each other. Gay or not.
Between the two Armon was the most intimidating but they are both manly. All in all they're the definition of haters can hate.

They share a sweet kiss and I can't help but stare at them in awe. They really love each other I think.

We spend most of the time talking until Jewels arrives. She's excited and keen to carry on the rest of the school year but I didn't fail to notice the distance from me.

I check my new schedule and realize that my homeroom teacher Mrs Tulga was no longer an employee of the school but was replaced by someone else.

Now I have Miss Whenit.

I walk to homeroom. The class is almost full. I take my seat at the back. And as the teacher walks in my phone vibrates.

I've been thinking about you..

And what were you thinking



I gasp at the picture Deacon sent me. It was a picture of my naked self. As his member was about to enter me. I had my lip bitten and my hair was messy.

I remember the time clear as day. I watched him take a picture of us. He told me it would be more sexier. It was. He said he wanted something to look back on when he couldn't get to me. This would surely suffice.


I turn my phone off and quickly stuff it into my pocket.
"I'm sorry" I apologize looking at the heels of the woman beside me.

"Young lady to have such content on your phone is prohibited" the lady says.

That voice.

My checks flush red.
"I'll remove it miss. It won't happen again"

"Good then. I'll let you off with a warning"

It is then that I look up at her. My eyes widen and so do hers.
"Jessie" she whisper yells.

I don't know why I hadn't realized this before but this woman standing beside me is no stranger to me.

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