Chapter 7

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My eyes widen at the beauty in front of me. A glass wall penthouse. Expensive white furniture draped in black and gold ornaments. Crystal chandeliers hanging feom the high ceiling. Wooden surface kitchen.
"Wow" I gasp "This place is beautiful"

I can't believe I get to stay here for a month or two.

I turn to see Deacon leaning against the wall. I hadn't expected him to be here. He was barefoot and shirtless. A pair of black jeans loosely on his hips.

"I didn't think you'd be staying here too" I say to him and watch him take the shirt hanging on his shoulder and throw it on. His muscles flex and I can't help but keep staring.

"Let me show you where you'll be staying"
I follow him down the hall and into the first door open on the left. It's a spacious bedroom with a lounge area and fire place and surely an ensuite bathroom.

He leaves me in the room to pack saying he'd be back later. I arrange everything the way I like before taking a shower.

Three hours later and I'm watching TV waiting for Deacon to return. The door swings open and he strolls in with grocery bags in his hands. I stand up to help but he shakes his head.
"No I got them"

He places them on the table and sighs.
"I didn't know what you like so I got different types of everything" he says "let me get the rest"

He walks out.

"Typical billionaire" I mumble and start packing everything away.

He walks in with more bags and we help each other to finish packing them. By they time we're finished I'm lazy as fuck.
"You look tired let's order in"

We walk to the living room where he picks up the phone to order. I watch him order whatever he believed I wanted to eat before taking a seat across from me. We stare at each other. He licks his lips and crosses his arms then leans against the back rest.
"How will I get to school every morning when summer is up"

"I will hire a personal driver to get you to and from school"

I hum at his words.
"Why a month" I ask still wowed "and why did I have to come live with you"

"Because you being here means I canI figure I'd would have had enough by then" he says.

What was meant to turn me on made me upset.
"And your wedding to Natalie is in three weeks time" I say "I don't know much about you Deacon but I sure do know that I will not allow myself to sleep with a married man"

"Will you stop talking about her" he says "I am paying you that's what you want, you win I win"

"She loses"

"Why do you care about her so much. You don't even know her"

"I don't have to" I say "cheating is wrong regardless"

Deacon pinches the bridge of his nose.
"I'm sorry you feel that way" he says "I'm not in the mood I'll see you some other time just tell the waiter to put the food on my tab"

He stands up and walks out the penthouse. When the food came I paid for the meal.

It was kinda lonely at the penthouse. I haven't spoken to August, Lisa or Jewels since I left. I texted them and now I'm waiting for a response.
None of them respond. I finish eating and toss away the trash.

My mind drifted to Deacon and I found myself staring at his number on my screen. I wanted to call and make sure he's okay but the thought of him possibly being with Natalie makes me put my phone away.

I was also having a hard time processing his words. He wanted me here not because he could get me at any moment. He wanted me here for his own selfish reasons. He had me before. What's different now except that he had to take care of me.

I wanted to go home. To be with my patents and help them out of the struggle but instead here I am playing concubine with a man who will soon be married.
I don't even understand why he's marrying someone who's in love with him and someone else.

I let out a frustrated scream and turn up the volume of the TV. I don't know how much time passed before I finally drifted off to sleep. My dreams were haunted by the icey blue eyed man.

I was about to kiss his lips in the dream when I felt hands wrap around my body. I was drawn out of my sleep to realize that I was being carried by Deacon. However I didn't make it obvious that I'm awake.

He carried me into my room and sat me onto the open covers. By this time sleep was already taking over again. He tucked me in and for a second I thought he had left until I felt soft lips against mine.
"Goodnight" he whispered before everything went dark.

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