Chapter 8

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The hot water cascades down my body in fast currents. The scorching feeling against my skin making me feel as though I could spend the entire time savoring the feeling.

I splash water onto my face and squeeze shampoo onto my hair. Running my hands through and out making sure I wash it thoroughly. When I'm satisfied I start rinsing the foam out of my hair. When out of nowhere strong hands grab my waist. I go to scream but Deacon whispers in my ear.
"Relax it's just me" he says and begins placing feather kisses on my neck.

My dream from the night before makes itself present in my head. He had kissed me. Not violently but gently so. Dreams are selfish. Always resurfacing only when they see fit.

His large hand moves down my stomach and finds my folds. He begins to caress me, earning a soft moan from my open lips. His hand is gentle while the other roughly squeezes my breast.
His lips were foreign to me. It was as if I could feel electricity running down my neck. His hardened member presses against the base of my spine. Making me aware of his true intentions with me.

I felt hot. I had never had sex in the shower before. This would be my first.
Deacon lifts me up so my back is pressed up against the wall. I look at him through hazy eyes waiting for him to kiss me.

He doesn't.

Instead he lines up at my entrance and starts fucking me against the wall. He is unforgiving, the friction between our genitals beyond amazing. It looked like he was releasing pent up anger.
My nails dig into his back as the pleasure becomes unbearable for me.
"Yeah" I moan closing my eyes in pure ecstasy.

The only thing I can hear is the sound of my skin slapping against his, the water falling from the shower, my moans and his animalistic groans.
He places me down and turns me around, taking me doggy style. I hold tightly onto the wall trying to maintain my balance.

Deacon wasn't making love to me he was fucking me raw and I was shocked at how much I actually enjoyed it. When he took my virginity he was gentle with me but not this time. Now he expected my body to be ready to take all of him. It was.
"Say my name" he grunts.

I try to utter words but the pleasure has me leaning against his shoulder and closing my eyes. He slaps my ass which has my eyes shooting open in slight shock.
He begins rubbing my folds as he slams into me from behind.
"Oh yeah Deacon right there" I gasp "Ah"

The muscles of my stomach tighten and sweet juices flow out of me. I hold on until he reaches his high too.
As he groans his release I turn to watch him jerk off and shoot his hot sperm onto the shower floor. The water washes it away.

I stare at him with amused eyes.
"I thought you left" I breathe.

Deacon says nothing. Instead he takes the loafer and begins washing my body. As he's doing so it seems as though he is taking his sweet time to admire every inch of my body. He finally decides to respond.
"I couldn't stay away" he says.

I smile and take the loafer out of his hand. Repeating the notion on his body. I gently wash his chest all the way to his abs until I am kneeling in front of him.
Deacon watches me with hazy eyes.
"Don't give me that look"

"What look" I ask innocently.

His member hardens right before my eyes and I look at it curiously.
"Wanna suck it" he asks.


Deacon slaps my ass and winks as he walks out the door. Nothing like sex before work. I watch the door close behind him before collapsing in complete exhaustion.
We had been going at it for the past three hours. My body was exhausted.

My phone beeps and I look down at it.

New deposit

I check the details and realized that he had just payed for the sex. A part of me was unhappy. I had hoped that it was just for fun but I guess business is business.

I take a nap for about an hour before deciding to go shopping. I needed clothes for school and wanted to pass by my parent's house to check that they were okay. I know it hasn't even been a week but I miss them.

I take my bag and head out the door.
"Morning Morgan" I say greeting the driver.

He is a man in his early forties. Dark skin and raven colored hair. Morgan smiles at me and opens the door.
"Good morning Miss Donnahill, where to" he asks.

I had meant to tell him to call me Jessie but Deacon made sure that I'd address them by name and they'd address me by miss.
"Central mall" I say.

Morgan drives off to the city. When we arrive he walks around the mall with me. I even manage to buy him a few shirts. Trust me it was against his will.

As I'm looking at flowers I can buy my mom, a familiar face bounds in. In her hands is a couple of get well soon balloons, a card and a bouquet of red and white roses.
"Lisa" I say.

Her eyes widen when she sees me.
"Jessie hey um long time no see" she mumbles which is so unlike her.

"Lisa what's going on is everything okay"

"Yeah everything is good" she says although I can see with her glassy eyes that she was not okay.

I wrap my arms around her.
"What's wrong"

She sobs softly on my shoulder and pulls back to look into my concerned eyes. She wipes her tears and takes a few deep breaths.
"August" she says "He got into an accident this morning. I'm headed to the hospital now"

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