Chapter 18

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The building isn't overly large but it was beautiful to look at. There is a fish tank on the side and magazines scattered on the table. There are waiting chairs and also a vending machine situated at the corner.

I walk to the front desk where a middle aged lady is sitting.
"Hi I'm Jessie, here for the 3 o'clock appointment"

"Oh hello, take a seat. Miss Bennett will be with you shortly" she said.

I take a seat and wait. My mind wanders to Deacon's words. He had postponed the wedding. I instantly knew it had something to do with me. So I was happy but not completely satisfied. It's only a minute or two before Natalie appears in the room and from behind her is Carly Whenit. She doesn't see me as she hurries out the door.

"Jessie, come right in" she says.

I follow Natalie into her office. She is dressed in a black jumpsuit and has her hair tied in a loose bun on her head. Her makeup is neutral and she wears only a pair of gold earrings and a matching bracelet. She looked simple yet sophisticated.

"So what are we here to discuss today" she asks, remaining professional even though she knew exactly why I was there.

"My parents were shot while at home" I begin "they are currently in ICU at the hospital"

"How does that make you feel"

"Scared. I've worked so hard to do everything in my power to make sure we don't suffer and now I lost everything. I don't want to lose them too".

"Do you believe in a particular religion"


"Okay. So what have you done to cope with this incident"

"I guess I kinda just shut it out" I reply "I've been busy studying for my final exams and I never made time"

"Where were you when the incident happened"

"I don't see how that question is relevant"

"I'm just trying to get the whole picture"

"I could lose my parents Natalie, I don't want to talk about my whereabouts. It should be me in that hospital not them" I shriek "I should have been there"

Natalie pushes a box of tissues across the table. The diamond ring on her finger reflects the light.
"You think this is your fault, why"

"I don't know okay" I cry "My parents would never harm anyone, why would someone put a target on their back"

"So you think it's better to blame yourself" she hums, scribbling words down on a paper "What do you think you did"

I take some tissue and blow my nose. Thinking over my next words.
"I abandoned them" I realize "I'm sorry but I have to go"

I run out of the office with the intention of visiting my parents at the hospital. While running I press the unlock button on my car. Just as I'm about to reach it, it goes off in a massive explosion that knocks me a couple of feet back.

I scream while flying backwards. My back collides with the concrete floor and everything goes dark.


I open my eyes. The blinding white light I see makes me shut them again. Slowly I force my eyes to adjust to the light. I look around me. I'm in my room at the penthouse. Except on a hospital bed. Surrounded by hospital equipment.

I groan and reach for my head.

Deacon walks into the room with a glass of water.
"Hey sleepy head. You gave me quite a scare" he huffs "I thought I lost you"

I smile through the pain and take the glass of water from his hand. The water feels fantastic going down my throat.
"How long have I been out"

"Two weeks and one day now" he says.

The wedding

"Did you-"

"Get married" he interferes "no, I called it off"

I can't help the smile that crosses my face.

"I don't love Natalie, Jessie and it's clear that she doesn't love me" he answers "I've been tracking her for a while now. She's been cheating on me"

"You've been doing the same thing have you not" I ask.

"Yes but not with my ex, not that, that makes it right" he said "and I might have told your friend Jewels she's dating a cheater"

I nod.
"You did good" I said "but she already knew"

I start thinking of my parents. I've been out for more than two weeks. What about them how are they?
"My parents?"

Deacon looks away from me causing my heart to clench.
"Your mom didn't make it, I'm sorry" he sighs "your dad woke up two days ago but he's suffering from amnesia"

"Talk about ripping a bandaid off" I mumble.

My tears fail me. All along I've been trying to make my mother proud and now she's gone. If only I could be blessed with my father's curse of forgetting. Then I wouldn't have to deal with the pain.

Deacon holds my hand in his.
"As soon as you get better Jessie we have to leave" he tells me "you're not safe here"

"What about my father and friends" I ask "what about their safety"

"They're safer with you being far away from them" he states "I've also arranged men to take care of them"

"And what about my father. He can't stay in hospital forever" I say.

"Your father is here, as we speak"

My eyes expand.
"He's staying in the penthouse with us?"

"Yes" he confirms "I would have bought him a house but I figured he's safer here with a maid until he can regain his memory"

"I have to see him"
I push the blanket on top of me off and try to get up. A searing pain shoots up my arm.
"Shit" I cuss looking down to see that my arm was in a cast.

"You fractured a bone on impact, doctor said it will take a month or two to heal"

He helps me up and leads me to the room where my father was staying. It's similar to my room, only smaller. My father is in a wheel chair sitting by the window. He turns to look at us when we open his door.

He smiles.
"Have you brought me something my dear" he asks.

Tears start forming in my eyes.
"Do you remember me" I ask "I'm Jessie your daughter"

"Oh then I must have hit my head quite hard" he laughs "I don't remember having a daughter, do tell me about yourself"

Deacon helps me get to the chair beside him. I spend hours with my father telling him about himself and about myself but never once mentioning my late mother. When I see him yawn I excuse myself and meet Deacon in the lounge.

"You said we have to leave" I recall "Where are we going to go"

"We're going to visit my parents. Stay with them until after you are on your own" he declares.

"What do you mean on my own"

Deacon slides a picture across the table. I take a hold of it and look at it. I stop breathing. Never in a million years did I expect to be in such a situation. I try to remember one time that we were careless. As if reading my thoughts Deacon answers me.
"The office"

I bring a hand to cover my mouth. I can't believe it. Especially at a time like this.
"I'm pregnant"

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