Chapter 29

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"That's all good for now" Doctor Goldman says.

I look down at the moon boot on my foot. Doctor Goldman said that I merely sprained my ankle, almost fractured it but I was lucky.
"Thank you" I say.

He nods and leaves the room.
Andre is standing at the door watching me like a hawk.
"Hey, can you please hand me the crutches" I say.

He, who is a man of few words walks into the room. He hands me the sticks and even helps me stand up. I was stuck in the room for hours and was now glad that I could move around. I make small talk with Andre as he ensures that I don't fall down the stairs.

"Morning beautiful" August greets "How you holding up"

He nods for Andre to leave.
"I'm all good and ready for action" I smile. Yes my words have a double meaning.

Obviously having understood the message August smirks.
"I can see that"

"Are you being sarcastic" I laugh.

"I guess you'll find out" he says with an absolutely annoying smug look on his face.

He takes a few steps until he is standing in front of me.
"I want to take you somewhere, if you'll let me"

I nod and give him my hand. He leads me outside to a waiting Jeep. Once we're inside the car he drives towards the ocean.

The smell of the ocean brings me comfort. Although I was allowed outside the house I was still prohibited from going to the beach. I felt trapped because of that. So the breeze proves to be a refreshing atmosphere.

The drive only takes five minutes before August pulls up to a dock. In front of us is a beautiful white yacht. La Belle Bomoro is the name on it.
"What are we doing here" I ask him curious.

"It's a surprise" he responds. Taking my hand, he leads me up the wooden stairs.

When I get on the ship I see many things. I see roses and candles, a setting of drinks and food as well as a small velvet box on the table. But what had me throwing a hand over my mouth was the man standing in front of me.

Deacon who was originally smiling frowns at the sight of my injury.
"Deacon" I whisper and feel tears dancing down my face. I had missed him. Truly.

I limp over to him and wrap my arms around his neck. His familiar scent seduces my nostrils.
"I thought I lost you" he sniffs "how are you and the baby"

I move back and look into his stormy blue eyes.
"We're good, August has been taking care of us"

We both look to August who is nowhere to be seen.
"I must say. You're far more beautiful than I remember my love" he says deeply as if testing whether he could make the hairs on my neck stand up.

My response is to kiss him. He meets my lips in a gentle kiss and caresses my back. I try to deepen it but he pulls away far too soon.
"Jessie I have to tell you something" he takes my hand and leads me to the awaiting table.

"What's going on" I ask suddenly becoming nervous. I fear what he has to say I will not like.

"Remember when about three months ago I went to an event" he asked.

I nod and wait for him to continue.
"I need you to keep that in mind"

I don't know why he'd want me to think about that. However I keep a straight face and wait for him to continue. With one last look he stands from his seat and takes the box off the table. He kneels in front of me stopping my breath at an instant.

"From the time that we've spent together I realized that you're the most important thing that has ever happened to me. We've been through thick and thin and still you stood by me when all I did was abuse you and your body" he breaths "I want to promise to treat you right and spend the rest of my life with you, my queen, serving you and attending to all your needs"

"D" I sniff.

"Jessilmariannlouise Donnahill, will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife?" he proposed.

"Yes Deacon yes" I giggle. He slips the diamond ring on my finger before sealing the moment in a kiss but I wanted more.

As if sensing my desires, he picks me up and walks to who knows where. But the soft material underneath tells me we're on a bed.

He pulls my clothes off and I do the same. I stare at his naked body, immediately missing the feel of it. He begins to pamper me with wet kisses. The feeling is like sparks running across my skin. He grinds against me soft, driving my body to prepare itself for penetration.

He lines up at my entrance and I ready myself to take him. As he beings to slowly push in, I hold his shoulders and cry out in pain. It felt like I was a virgin all over again.
"Tell me if you want me to stop" he groans.

I shake my head.

He suddenly thrusts all in.
"Shit" I cry out "Don't stop"

He meets my cries with fast thrusts. In out in and out.
"I've missed this body" he grunts.

I had almost forgotten how much of a sex god he is.
"I missed your dick" I moan.

He continues to fuck me good and soon I feel the walls of my abdomen tighten.
"Yes ah" I scream.

Deacon takes hold of my waist making every thrust hit my G-spot deeper than ever before.
"Yeah baby" he growls "cum for me"

I follow orders and feel my juices explode as I orgasm. Soon he follows. We fall beside each other in panting messes. Neither of us say anything as we get off the high of the amazing sex we just had. I put my head on his shoulder and enjoy the feeling of being next to him.

"Baby about that event" he says.

I glance up at him.
"There's something I need to tell you, I didn't plan for it to happen but it did"

"What are you talking about"


I angle my body towards him.
"What about her"

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