Chapter 25

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"Louise you're a pro at all things sporty that was like training for you" Savanah says.
Louise displays a small smile.

After spontaneously staying at the resort six days longer than we had intended, we decided to stop and get some grub before heading back to the hostile mansion.

We are currently at a restaurant. Huge glass walls surround our table. It is brightly lit and a band plays soft classical music. The restaurant is brimming with life and we don't fail to notice the few people taking us pictures. The waiter brings all our food and we have dinner over fruitful conversation.

The sun has already set and small stars litter the sky. I silently listen to the girls, itching to cover my ears.
"Antonio is amazing in bed" Daniella gushes "best I've ever had"

"If you could have Damien you'd know what best is" Louise suddenly defends.

"No no it's must be Darius" Elise swoons "the man knows how to work my body right"

I guess they'll never know. It's not like they can sleep with each other's husband. More especially Daniella because all the other's husbands are her brothers. But one thing they must know is that for a woman who has had plenty of sexual parents.

Deacon's the best.

They all turn to look at me.
"My little brother has game" Daniella laughs causing the others to chuckle.

"Did I say that out loud" I gasp throwing my palms to my face.

"Oh come on guys you can tell how good a guy can be by the way he walks" Zaphina comments.

"Is that so" I laugh "well then let's all be honest to say that Deacon has the best walk"

They all ponder on it for a second before laughing loudly.
"Yeah" they say in unison.

I smile at the compliment he has just gotten.
"I was lucky you know" I find myself saying "to have met someone as amazing as Deacon"

It's true. If it wasn't for him I'd probably be dead in a ditch somewhere. He knows how to treat me right and take care of me. Even though we've taken a bumpy ride we're still here today in each other's arms and that's all that matters to me.

"He's lucky to have found you too" Daniella nods.

My phone vibrates and I reach in my bag to retrieve it. One notification.

Get down

My eyebrows furrow in confusion. I dial his number but it takes me straight to voice mail.

My eyes snap to the girls in front of me.
"Is everything okay"

"Yeah no everything is good" I look at the empty plates on the table "can we go home, I miss him"

I rush to stand from my seat when the waiter approaches the table.
"Miss Donnahill, a phone call"

I silently walk to the bar area where the phone is waiting for me.

"You thought we wouldn't find you"

"Who is this"

"I'm going to get you Jessie"

"Don't be a coward, tell me who you are"

"Watch your back"

The line goes dead.

My palms are sweaty and my hands are shaking profusely.
"Miss Donnahill is everything okay" the waiter asks.

I don't pay him mind. Instead I run back to my table. I don't care that people are watching me like I'm some crazy tourist.
"Jessie what's going on, is everything okay"

"We need to get out of here" I pant taking my bag from my seat.

"Jessie tell us what's going on" they say.

"Please don't ask questions" I beg "I'll tell you everything when we're safe but for now we aren't"

Finally noticing my fear they stand from their seats and we all walk to the entrance.
"Put everything on my tab Edward" Savanah instructs.

We run to the car and just as we are about to open the door. The sound of screeching tires makes us all freeze.
"Get down" I whisper, remembering August's message.

"Get down" I scream.

When we hunch down and duck for cover, the sound of bullets being shot soars through the air. We can hear screams from the people in the restaurant.

My eyes widen.
"The driver"

Our eyes move frantically around the parking area before Elise let's out a scream.
"There he is"

To the right the driver is laying unmoving on the ground. My world goes silent. He was shot because of me. Who else is going to get hurt because of me.
Elise skillfully runs towards him. Snatching the key from his hand she stayed hidden behind another car.

There was no way she'd make it back without being shot. She knew that.
"Who can drive" Louise asks "like bad ass driving"

It had to be me.
"I'll do it"

"I'm sorry Jessie but I don't think you have enough driving experience for this kind of situation"

"Trust me" I say staring directly into her eyes.

Elise tosses Louise the keys and she gives them to me.
"Okay on a count of three we all jump into the car, I need someone to open the door for Elise when I make the turn, keep your heads down"


We all swing open the doors and jump into the SUV. Not wasting anytime I put the car in gear and make the turn. Savanah swings the door open and Elise jumps in.
"Buckle up for safety" I shout the famous line.

I put the car in drive. There's dead silence. I'm the only one breathing heavily while trying to dodge bullets with a massive car.   They were following us.
"Get Dimitri on the phone" Louise instructs.

"No" I counter "I don't trust anybody but Deacon. Get him on the phone"

Without wasting time, she dials the number and puts him on speaker phone.


"Deacon there's no time to talk, we've been ambushed".

"Is everyone okay"

"We lost the driver but everyone else is okay"

"Okay where are you know"

"We're taking the exit out of town"

"Give whoever's driving the phone"

Savanah hands me the phone.


"of course it's you Jessie" he hums "we'll talk about this later but there's a sharp curve on Route 85. I want you to take it"


"I'll meet you half way"

I step on the accelerator and drive until I see Route 85.
"hold on girls"

The shooters speed up and aren't far behind us.
When we get to Route 85 I pray I can make the sharp turn. I had never drifted before but I vaguely remember seeing my grandfather do it. He was a crazy son of a gun.

"Jessie I hope you know what you're doing" Daniella cries, clutching onto the dashboard.

I step harder on the accelerator and at the last moment I pull the hand brake and turn the steering wheel. Silence falls for a split second as we wait to crash mercilessly or survive.

The car whines loudly but drifts, knocking all of us to the side. We miss the obscured tree by inches, turning our heads to look back as
the shooter's car collides with the large oak tree with a loud bang.

I don't stop.

I drive and never look back.

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