Chapter 26

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"Do you remember anything"

I spare a glance at the detective in front of me. My nose is red and my eyes are blotchy from all the crying I had been doing.
"There were four shooters"

"How certain are you" she asks.

"When their guns went off they each produced their own individual sound as it was rapid fire" I state "one gun couldn't have hit that many places at once unless the shooter had super speed"

"They were all using the same gun" she tells me "but they couldn't have been four"

"How so"

"In the wreckage of the car there were three dead bodies" Detective Merton says "the sttucte damage of the car wouldn't have allowed anyone to make an exit before the car was engulfed by flames"

"Did you check the bullet casings at the restaurant" I ask "They can prove that there were four shooters"

She dots it down and nods her head. From her file she pulls out three pictures.
"Do you recognize any of these people"

I assess all three of the pictures then shake my head.

"Well miss Donnahill these are the countries most notorious criminals. We've been looking for them for the past couple of months" she tells me "but what I'm wondering is why these guys would try to kill a tourist such as yourself"

I'm wondering the same thing.
"You must have an enemies in high places" she confirms.

"This is not the first time someone has tried to kill you" she states "Do you think it's the same person"

I shake my head and tap my foot, looking at the one way mirror. I know Deacon is watching me from outside too.
"Are we done" I ask.

"Not quite" she says "Do you have any idea why someone's out to get you"

"No" I sigh.

Seeing that I won't provide any helpful answers, Detective Merton lets me go.
The door creeks open and I'm met with the sight of Deacon leaning against the wall, one foot up against it. I don't know if it's the adrenaline coursing through my veins or my pregnancy hormones but he looked edible.

I walk to him and wrap my arms around his neck.
"Kiss me" I whisper.

Without hesitation he meets my lips in a sweet kiss. Our lips move together in sync. He holds the lower part of my back and pulls me closer.
"You were gone for a week" he whispers "I missed you and I feel awful that I wasn't there to protect you"

I don't say much as I lay my head on his chest and listen to the beat of his heart. I wasn't afraid anymore. I was pissed off.

I'm tired of being the victim. More especially because I'm going to be a mother soon and I can't afford to live a life of looking over my shoulder while trying to raise a child. The two just won't work. I need to find my killer before they try to kill me again.

"I'm not sorry " I respond to him after standing in his arms for a minute.

Deacon looks down at me.
"Baby what do you mean"

"It's clear that they're after something" I mumble "why don't we give it to them"

"I don't understand what you're getting at" he says.

"I'm going to walk into my killer's den" I said "and I know exactly how I'm going to do it"


"Are you sure about this"

My eyes meet those of Savanah in the mirror.

"Jessie this is crazy you'll be a sitting duck" she rambles "this is not the best way, let the cops handle this"

"You're right" I say "I'm going to give them their chance. A chance to solve my murder"

Her eyes widen.
"I'm sorry I can't do this" she says.

She shakes her head and walks out my room. I watch her retreating figure.
"I guess I have to go alone" I mumble.

I tie the rope of my sneakers tighter and walk out my room. Deacon is waiting for me by the front door.
"Are you sure about this" he asks.

I nod my head.

"Where are you off to in the middle of the night"
I look behind me and find Dimitri assessing my outfit.

"Out for a run" I tell him, all the while assessing him.

"I don't think it's such a good idea with a killer on the loose" he advises.

"They died in the crash" I shrug "I'm okay"

"Son, you're gonna let her walk out alone" he asks.

Deacon shrugs.
"I don't have much of a choice, I have a lot of work to do"

I could almost see the memory of Magdeleen flashing through his eyes. I felt bad for putting him through the same situation again but it had to be done. He gives me a knowing look.

With one last glance I wave goodbye and walk out the door.
The night is still young and a soft breeze fans my face. I was on edge. A part of me wanted to finish this but the other part was telling me that I'm being completely stupid. This can go wrong in so many ways.

I pick up my speed to a slow jog. The baby bump is almost evident through my unbalanced movement. I run regardless.

Unknown POV

The phone in my pocket vibrates.
"Hello" I answer.

"She's on the move"

I hang up my phone and glance at the gate. Surely Jessie appears on foot. She begins walking up the street calmly.

Silently and stealthy I get out the car and follow her. She looks around suspiciously but doesn't see me. Picking up to a jog she moves. I keep up with her pace.

She is almost at the trap zone.

Out of breath she slows down. She stretches her arms and lower body, revealing her plump tummy. I can't believe she's already pregnant with the man's child. A true whore in disguise. Disgusting. The world will be better without her.

I slowly pull out the gun from my waistband. I aim it at her head. She moves around for a few seconds while I try to get a better aim. Abruptly, a car pulls up beside her. Screeching noises bark at my ears. A figure jumps out the car and grabs ahold of her.
"Let me go" she screams. Screams that do nothing to save her.

With Jessie inside, the car speeds off.
"Shit" I curse.

Bringing out my phone I dial the last number I called.

"I didn't do it, someone else just took her"

"Find her and kill her. She better not escape this time"

The line goes dead.

I sigh and start walking back to my car. All I could think about was the money I would be getting out of this. I didn't need it I wouldn't be trying to kill someone.

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