Chapter 27

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My eyes are open but I don't see anything. This was not how I planned everything to go. Whoever it is knows too much. I figured it out sooner than I can expect.

The killer is someone I know. I just have to figure out who. It's obviously someone who has money. They'd have to be able to travel to other countries to get the job done. But what I'm still trying to figure out is if this has anything to do with my billionaire boyfriend.

The sound of a door opening startles me.

I don't know how long I've been here. I've been tied to a chair by my arms and legs. My neck is aching and my bladder is full. I know I'm not alone in the room, possibly with a guard but now someone new has just entered.

"Remove it" I hear a deep voice say.

Such a familiar sound. I think.
The cover on my head is ripped off. I shut my eyes at the imposing light. I finally adjust to it and my eyes widen as I clearly see who's standing in front of me
"You're kidding me" I laugh "you are fucking kidding me"

I glare at the person.
"You're the one trying to kill me" I say darkly "what the fuck did I ever do to you"

"I'm not trying to kill you Jessie" he says "I'd never harm you or anyone"

My eyes meet a sad face. August has his hands in his pockets and is looking directly at me.
"Okay. Than explain all of this"

"I needed you to give me a chance to explain but I knew you'd be irrational if I approached you like I would on any regular day" he said "and I couldn't risk endangering your life further"

He had a point. I would have mutilated his ass.
"Well then explain" I said again.

I watch his eyes drift down to my tummy but he doesn't make a comment. Instead he motions with his head for the guard to leave. After the door shuts behind him. August takes a seat across from me.

"About two months ago I overheard Natalie on the phone" he says "she was talking in harsh whispers"

I listen attentively.
"I could only pick up a few things but all I know is that she's working for someone, someone rich" he says.


"I don't know but she's one of the people on this person's payroll" he says "whoever it is, they know what they are doing"

I rake my head for possible answers.
"It has to be about Deacon. I mean who else. Especially where Natalie is involved" I say.

"She doesn't love him" he says defensively.

The poor guy is still hung up on her. What plate is she serving.
"It doesn't have to be about love" I say "she just might be jealous"

The response is silence so I decide to drop it.
"So what happens from now on"

"You can decide" he says "I can let you go and you'll be killed the minute you return home, you die and so does your unborn child"

"What's the other option" I ask.

"Stay with me and I'll take care of you" he says "just until the baby is born"

I weighed out my options. He has a point. Being here without anyone knowing is beneficial to me. Even if it means I won't be able to see Deacon for the next couple of months.

"Doesn't seem like I have much of a choice" I sigh.

August nods and comes to untie me.
"So you're with Natalie huh" I confirm.

August looks away guiltily.
"It wouldn't have worked out with Jewels, she ended it" he tells me "and I love Natalie"

I arch an eyebrow.
"Even with the knowledge of her trying to kill me" I ask.

"I'm not one to judge" he tells me "but I care about the both of you so I'm not picking sides"

Suddenly his text came to head.
"You warned me about the shootout" I recall "how did you know about that"

"I was there" he confesses "on that night I was tailing Natalie and I saw her meet up with those guys, I kept watch until I realized what they were going to do"

I nod my head. Looking around the room I bite my lip in thought.
"You seem pretty important here" I realize "how did you establish such a facility"

"I have connections all over the world" he says nonchalantly "Come on I think you need some rest"

I follow August out of the room. He leads me up numerous stairs before reaching a metal door. He swings it open and I'm met with a quite office. We walk out the office and turn to the hallway.

Soon we arrive in front of a large wooden door. August pushes it open to reveal a luxurious room. It has a view of the ocean and I almost gape at the size.

"Where are we" I ask.

"A private island" he says "a friend of mine owns it. But he doesn't know for what I wanted it for when I asked to borrow it"

"It's beautiful really" I compliment.

"Yes indeed" he says "you must be exhausted"

I nod my head and give him a small smile. He offers me a similar smile. Nodding his head he turns on his heels and pulls on the door.

"August" I call.


"Thank you"

"For what"

"protecting me" I said "You didn't have to but you chose to and that means the world to me"

He nods his head.
"Anything for you Jessie" he says before walking out.

I look around the room and deliberate on taking a shower. With my mind made up, I walk to the bed and pull the covers open. Stepping my body underneath them, I close my eyes and instantly fall asleep.

The last thought on my mind being a very worried Deacon.

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