Chapter 4

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It's been a week since I last saw the mysterious guy. I have been fucked by many men and the efforts were showing around the house at home. My parents had yet to question me again about my employment and I was thankful about that. I suppose they feared hearing the truth themselves. I was earning more than they would.

I was walking down the hallway heading to my next client when I ran into August.
"Hey" I smile.

Things have been kinda awkward between us and although none of us put it out there, we could tell that there was some tension between us.
"Hey Jessie. I can't talk right now" He says and my heart plummets "But how about dinner tonight"

My eyes brighten up as I eagerly nod my head.
"that would be great"

I continue my walk and open room K. The bathroom. I am surprised to find a woman who happens to be my best friend Jewels. I run and wrap my arms around her. Its been forever since I last saw her.
"What are you doing here" I asked.

"Lisa told me you joined, and I just had to see for myself" she says with a giggle "how has it been"

"The money is good but the sex not so much" I laugh.

We spend the three hours talking and catching up before I had to go to my next client. At the end of my shift I got a thorough shower and hoped into August's car. He drove us to a five-star restaurant and got us seats at the VIP section. We made small chatter as we waited for our food.

"So why do you tell everyone you're gay" I asked.

August watched me momentarily before a smirk etched on his face.
"When did I ever say I'm not gay" he says.

I give him an exasperated look to which he laughs at. He leans back on his chair and finally a serious look comes on his face.
"when I first started working for the company, I was eighteen years old. Not many women there were my age but surely enough they all wanted a piece of me, so in order to protect me and my rights the company came up with the idea that I was gay"

"So does that mean you had to sleep with guys" I asked curiously.

He shook his head.
"God no" he said "but everyone assumed I did"

I had never expected him to say such a thing. If I'm being honest, I was shocked by the information he had given me.
"So, you had to keep up appearances" I state "how's that been going for your dating life"

August chuckles and shrugs his shoulders.
"I was dating my high school sweetheart, but she dumped me the moment I told her what I do, I've been single for about a year and a half"

The waiter came and placed the food on our table.
"Anything else" he asked to which we said no.

"Hey August" I called, and he hums an answer with a mouth full of food "if she couldn't accept what you do then she wasn't the right one"

At my words the entire restaurant erupts in cheers and applause. We both turn our heads to the far side of the room where a man and woman are. The man is on his knee and has the woman's hand in his.
"Yes, yes, I'll marry you" she squeals.

My heart begins beating rapidly  when suddenly the man gazes in our direction as he takes his seat after kissing the woman. It wasn't planned but we keep eye contact until even his fiancée looks at our table too. I had been so absorbed in my own drama I hadn't even noticed that August was bunching the table cloth in his hand.

The engaged couple begins approaching our table despite the reluctance of the man who had been haunting my memories. I turned to August with panicked eyes only to find that he too was in a state of panic. My breathing stops when I feel the all too familiar heat of the man's body as he stands next to me.

The same aura that keeps me up at night and has my other clients dull in comparison to him. The mysterious guy.
"August" the woman says "I haven't seen you for over a year now, how have you been"

August clenches his jaw and forces a smile onto his face.
"I've been good Natalie just going through the motions" he responds.

"Honey" she calls the man who has his eyes burning the side of my face "this is my ex-boyfriend. The one I was telling you about"

The man finally removes his eyes from me and nods his head at August.
"It's nice to meet you" he says.

"August this is my fiancé Deacon James" Natalie introduces the man who has been haunting my dirtiest dreams.

"I know him" August says which has me blinking my eyes at him. Was he about to throw Deacon under the bus?

"How so" Natalie asks with suspicious eyes. That's when I decide to jump in because I could see where the conversation was headed. I don't even know why I felt the need to defend him. But I did.
"I mean who doesn't know Deacon James" I say with a nervous laugh. I didn't know Deacon James "I've seen him on the cover of an article on the most successful bachelors in the country, but I guess he isn't a bachelor anymore huh"

Natalie smiles at me and extends her hand.
"I'm sorry I've been rude for not asking who you are" she says.

"Jessie" I say and quickly stand up from my chair "if you'll please excuse me, nature calls"

Now hear me out. It's okay that Deacon knows my name, but it is not okay that I know his. One of the rules of the company is that I am not allowed to know any of my clients' names. What does it mean now that I know.

I find the dimly lit hallway and go inside the ladies. Going to the basin I wash my face and stare at the mirror. How could someone pay so much money to sleep with someone when he has a girlfriend. A fiancée even. It's disgusting.

That's why the company protects us from knowing about our clients. Some of us are morally correct and don't tend to cross the line.

I give myself time to cool down before deciding to go back outside.  I walk out the ladies room while trying to come up with reasons on how to remove him as my client. Suddenly my back is slammed roughly against the wall and I'm met with icy blue eyes.
"Get the fuck off me Deacon" I spit.

He stares at me with darkening eyes.
"Why are you running from me" he asks.

"I'm not" I say with a shrug.

"So, you're dating the weakling August" he says nonchalantly moving back and leaning against the wall.

Should I lie or come out clean? I mean I don't owe him anything so why should I say something.
"That's on a need to know basis and you don't need to know" I say sassily "and don't call him weak"

I gently push away from the wall and start walking back to the table. He let's me walk back. August is sitting there playing with the food on his plate. He looks up at me as I approach and gives me a sad smile. I could see the pain behind his eyes.

Natalie is beautiful and she seemed to have a great personality. Losing her was probably the worst thing that happened to him.
"Want to get out of here" I ask to which he nods his head.

I call the waiter who bags our food and we leave the restaurant side by side. I offer to drive. He tosses me the key and I hop into the driver's seat and bring the car to a drive.

The ride is quiet but only for a couple of minutes before I hear him let out a heavy sigh.
"She was there for me when my parents died" he says "I guess my whole world began to revolve around her since then and losing her just broke me"

I nod my head and listen to him tell me the rest of his story. He had opened up to me that night. I knew it was probably difficult , but we were getting closer and that's all that matters. Although, all I could think about then was Deacon James and when he'd call me to service again.

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