Chapter 14

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Armon is telling me a story of his time in France but I can't seem to focus on anything that he's say. Deacon admitted that he wanted me. But I don't understand.

This entire time he's been paying for the sex and treating me like an employee most times. Not to mention that if he gave me a compliment it had something to do with my body and my capabilities in bed. Nothing else. It doesn't make sense to me.

"Hello are you listening" Armon asks waving a hand in front of my eyes "What's up with you"

"I'm sorry I just have a lot on my mind" I respond.

As I said that, the bell rang.
"How about dinner tonight" I offer "We'll catch up"

He nods his head and watches me walk away.
I hate being confused and that's what this situation is doing to me. Making me helplessly and utterly confused.

I'm walking down the empty hallway when I hear voices.
"Make it look pretty, that bitch is going to pay" I hear a female voice.

I hide behind the locker wall when I hear footsteps aprroach.
Carly walks past me hurriedly. After she disappears I look past the wall to see two men walking out the door.

"What is she up to" I whisper to myself before mindlessly walking to class.

The day goes by quickly and soon I find myself getting ready for my dinner with Armon.
"Jessie" Deacon calls.

"In here" I answer.

I clip on a pair of diamond studs.
Deacon appears in the mirror of my vanity.
"Where are you off to" he asks.

"I'm having dinner with a friend of mine from school" I say.

"A friend" he asks.

I catch his eye in the mirror.
"Yes a friend. Armon" I reply with a soft smile.

Deacon walks towards me. He takes the brush laying on my vanity and runs it through my hair. The gesture makes me smile.
"You look beautiful" he compliments "You always look beautiful"

A blush creeps up my face at his words.
"Thank you"

I let him brush my hair and braid it into a fish tail. He even helps me strap on my heels.
I stand up, straightening my dress. It's a short black cocktail dress with a V-neck. A small diamond necklace accessorises my neck.

Deacon is standing behind me, watching me watch myself.
"What are you gonna do while I'm gone" I ask.

"Think about you" he replies hugging me from behind.

Lord knows a hug from behind is a woman's weakness. I turn in his arms and kiss his cheek but he places his hand on my chin and brings my lips to his. We share a slow and passionate kiss.

"I can't believe I've been missing out on this" he says against my lips.

"Me too" I hum, pecking his lips one last time and walking out my room. He follows after me.

"Jessie catch" he says.

I catch the key flying in the air.
"I don't remember seeing a new car when I got here" I state looking at the key.

"Yes that's true" he responds.

"Okay well then what are these keys for" I say raising an eyebrow.

"It's not for me" he laughs leaning against the wall.

"Then who's it for" I ask my mood going down a bit.

He cannot seriously tell me he is letting me drive Natalie's car. I won't allow it.
"It's yours"

My eyes snap to his.

Deacon strides to the door and pulls it open.
"Come on"
He disappears from the doorway.

I quickly follow him, closing the door behind me. I ride the elevator in disbelief. He actually bought me a car. What is he up to.

We exit the backdoor of the hotel that leads to the underground parking. At the bottom of the stairs is a metallic red Automobili Pininfarina Battista.

"OH my gosh" I squeal "Oh my gosh"

I giggle and wrap my arms around his shoulders.
"A Pininfarina. Deacon it's beautiful"

Deacon scratches the back of his neck.
"That's not the car I bought you Jess" he says pointing to the left "That's the car"

I look to the left to see a run down beetle. My mood dropped. I raise the key with shaky hands. I sound pretty unappreciative don't I. He bought you a car that's all that matters. I tell myself. When I press the unlock button the Automobili Pininfarina Battista beeps and it's lights turn on.

I turn to Deacon with a fake glare. He smirks back at me. I go back to him and wrap my arms around his neck.
"You Mr James are not funny"

"And you miss Donnahill have to deal with my humor now" he laughs "Now you're gonna be late get going"

I climb down the stairs and swing the door open. The car smells brand new. The interior is black leather. The sound system is modernised. The first thing I rush to do is turn the car on. The button is cold when it meets my finger. The car roars to life. Small white lights inside of it turn on.

"Damn" I say under my breath.

Deacon comes to my window. I press the button and it slides down.
"How do you like it" he asks.

I stay silent unable to come up with words. My mouth opens and closes as I am unable to say anything. Deacon smiles.
"Drive safely"

I put the car in gear. It moves smooth. I can barely hear the engine while speeding down the road.


"Okay what bank did you rob to buy that car" Armon gushes staring at the car parked at the bottom of the balcony.

We were at a sky view restaurant. The Pininfarina was parked in our view. White lights were still shining under the car. It was adjustable but I wanted to be able to spot it from a mile away.

I smile at the thought of Deacon.
"Oh I know that smile" he smirks "who is it"

I pick at my nails, mentally preparing myself to tell him.
"It's Deacon James"

His eyes widen.
"No ways. Once eligible bachelor and well astound business owner Deacon James" he gasps "it doesn't make sense but it would explain so much"

"Yeah" I mumble.

"How, when and where" he pokes leaning against the table "tell me all the details"

For as manly as he was Armon could still be a girl.
"Well, I started working for this company during summer break and he does-business with them" I said "that's how and when we met"

I shift uncomfortably in my seat. Unsure on how my best friend would take the fornication.
"I live in his penthouse not far from here" I say "and we might or might not be sleeping together"

Armon's eyes bulge out of his head.
"Is he good" he asks.

"No ways I'm not telling you that" I laugh.

"Oh come on Jess. I need to know" he begs.

"Well, he's amazing" I sigh "he knows how to treat my body right"

"If you weren't my best friend and I wasn't madly in love with Julian I would go for him myself" he hums with a satisfied sigh.

His words hit me deeper than I would have liked. The image of Jewels popped into my head. How I tired to steal August away from her. Armon would never forgive me for that.

"Yeah" I laugh and stuff a prawn into my mouth.

"so is it official between the two of you" he asks.

"I don't know" I sigh "he's still getting married after all"

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