Chapter 6

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I blink my eyes at him. Was he being genuine with me right now? The man who has never kissed me claiming he wanted me to himself. I wanted to be happy but the idea of him being engaged just threw me off. Though ironically enough, knowing he is forbidden makes me want him more.

"What about Natalie" I ask "why are you cheating on her"

He leans back on his seat and sighs.
"Natalie is great and all but she's still stuck up on Augustine" he says "I have to be gentle with her but with you I can be myself"

I arch an eyebrow.
"Who are you exactly"

Deacon stares at me longly. He takes hold of my thighs and swings me onto his lap. Ignoring the damp feeling of my clothes.
"I want to be the guy to satisfy your deepest urgues"

"I wanna make you tingle here" he says then touches my lower back.

"Here" My curves.

"Here" My ass.

"And here" at his words he pushes my hips into a grinding motion. I moan softly at the friction of his groin against my core.

"Oh Deacon" I moan as he continues the action.

"You see what you do to me Jessie" he groans staring at me seductively.

I lean in for a kiss but he turns his head away going for my neck instead.

He begins to pull up my skirt but I hold his hands.
"I can't do this" I say.

"What's wrong" he asks.

I think over my words. Gagging his reaction.
"Why won't you kiss me" I ask bluntly.

He watches me for a few seconds before turning to look outside. I got the hint to move back to my seat. He starts the car and holds tightly onto the steering wheel.
"Where do you live. Let me take you home"

I sigh and enter the address into the GPS of the car. The rest of the  drive is quiet and soon my house comes into view. Parking on the driveway. He says nothing, just leans over my lap and opens my door for me. I slowly get out the car and watch as he drives away.

My hair was soaking wet and I tried my best not to break down into tears. I don't understand how something so small can make me feel so horrible.

My mom is sitting on the sofa when I walk through the door.
"Hey honey" she greets "how was work"

I'm aware of the displeased look on her face at my appearance. My mom doesn't like untidy people and is very judgmental but she never says anything.
"It was okay" I say "the boss gave me a few days off because I've been such a good sport"

"Well that's good" she says "you can finally get some rest. You look stressed"

"Yeah I'm going to head to bed" I said "goodnight"
I walk to my room and fall asleep almost instantly.

The following day I task it upon myself to clean the house. I make sure it's tidy before texting Jewels to go meet me at the mall.

She runs into my arms when she sees me.
"I thought you forgot about me" she says sadly.

"Never, you know you mean everything to me Jewels" I say "Now how about a shopping spree"

She smiles.
"I'd never say no to that"

We spend the whole day together. With me spoiling her with a day of shopping and good food.
It was the most fun I'd had ever since I started working for S.Y.B and Jewels made sure to keep me on my feet.

We are walking out the mall shopping bags in hand when we run into August. I hadn't seen him in two days. Not even at work.
I wrap my arms around his neck.
"how are you feeling" I ask.

"I'm all good, how have you been" he says "I know you're affected too"

I think about the two nights before today and shrug.
"I'll get over it" I turn to Jewels and smile "August this is my best friend Jewels and Jewels this is my work friend August"

Jewels looks dumbstruck. I can see that his beauty is far too much for her. August seems to notice too and winks at her. I couldn't help the ping of jealousy.
Because I knew that it was the beginning to something that will always make me mad but keep me silent. Yet somehow I knew I couldn't stop it.

My phone begins to vibrate in my pocket and I pick it up and place it to my ear.
"Miss Donnahill please report to S.Y.B" I hear Gwen say before the call ends.

I sigh and turn to my two friends.
"Girl I gotta go. August is great company I promise" it pained me to tell her the truth.

I get an Uber to the company. Gwen and Diana are sitting in the main office waiting for me.
"Hey" I say and take a seat.

"Miss Donnahill we have great news" Diana says "Our highest bidder has arranged to pay full price for you"

My eyes shot up. It was three times the amount my other clients paid for. What the hell did Deacon want that he's willing to pay so much money.

"Why" I gasp.

"You've clearly left an impression on him darling" Gwen gushes "Although it comes at a request"

"What is that exactly"

"You'll have move to another city for a month or two and keep your agreement a secret"

The secret part I got but the moving not so much. I thank the two ladies as I walk out knowing that they wouldn't be able to answer any questions I have.

Deacon is up to something and I can tell. Now it begs the question on whether or not I will let him take control or inevitably end up manipulating him. How was I going into a battle with no ammo.

I walk the way home and began packing my bags just after walking through the front door.
"Jessie where are you going"

I turn to see my parents in the doorway. My heart weighs heavy as the confrontation I had been lucky to avoid had finally caught up with me.
"A business trip"

"Since when do you take business trips" my mom asks "Actually what do you do honey you've never said"

"I work for a multi-billion dollar company as the CEO's personal assistant and he requested that I travel with him for a business trip"

My mother looks unconvinced but comes to help me pack nonetheless.
"How long is it going to be"

"A month" I mumble.

"A month" she squeals "No Jessie you can't miss school you're opening in a week"

"I have it all figured out mom" I tell her "I'll be attending school I promise"

"I'm gonna trust you" she says walking over to my closet to get more of my clothes.
If only you knew mom. You'd never let me out the house again.

"Thank you" I said.

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