Chapter 32

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It is early in the morning and we had arrived just on time for supper with the Jameses.
"Give me a moment" I tell Deacon.

He nods and walks in the house with the baby and her stroller. I walk to the gate and to the black car parked outside.
"Are you sure about this" Andre asks.

"I promised myself" I tell him.

He signs and hands me the object I had requested. Making sure it's not seen. I make a move and get back to the house. I open the door and follow the noises coming from the dining room. Before I get there, I take my ring and put it in my pocket.

"Oh my gosh Jessie" Savanah cries.

They engulf me in hugs and words of comfort.
"I thought you fled after the shooting " Dimitri says nonchalantly.

"That's what you would have liked" I say under my breath.

"Everyone take a seat" he instructed.

After we take our seats. The maids bring in multiple assortments of food. It looks absolutely delectable. My stomach grumbles at the mere sight of them.

Sior makes small baby noises beside me. I knew that soon she'd wake up and want to suckle.

Initially everyone was making small chatter until they started directing questions at me.
"Where were you Jessie" Zaphina asks.

I notice that her once large belly is flat.
"I was at a safe place" I tell her "I needed to get away, for the baby"

"We looked everywhere for you Jessie, Deacon was beyond depressed without you by his side" Daniella informs me.

Damien scoffs.
"He didn't look depressed to me"

"What was that" Deacon asks.

"Oh brother, don't pretend as if you weren't screwing someone else while Jessie was in hiding" Damien says "now that she's back you want to play happy families"

Is Damien defending me?

"What's he talking about" I ask, anger simmering inside of me. My question is directed at Deacon.

"Oh she doesn't know" Dimitri laughs.

"Dimitri stop" Livy warns.

"She has to know mom" Damien pushes.

The atmosphere changes drastically. My heart climbs up and nests in my throat. I could basically suffocate on the tension with how much it suddenly became. Dimitri takes a sip of wine, similar to a vampire sipping blood. He licks his lips slowly and stares me dead in the eye.

"Deacon went to an event some time ago" Dimitri ponders "He went there to meet his high school sweetheart and later that night bedded her. He hasn't stopped since"

Deacon clenches his fists at the same time that I do. His eyes burn furious.
"She's pregnant" Dimitri continues.

Deacon slams his hands on the table.
"That's enough"

The sound startles Sior and she wakes up crying. I reach for her and dismiss myself from the table. I walk to the lounge area and sit on the couch. Taking my boob out I place it on her face. She greedily latches onto my nipple. Sucking milk like her life depended on it.

"My baby" I whisper caressing her plump cheeks.
"I've done a lot of things in my life and I want you to know that I did it all for family, love and for you" I sigh "don't hate me"

It's almost twenty minutes before she is sound asleep. I set her stroller by the couch and call the maid to look after her. I walk back to the dining room. Everyone is silent. They stare at me with sympathy in their eyes.

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