Chapter 11

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The drive to my parent's house is quiet. Deacon was brooding and I wasn't in the mood to entertain him. His hands were clutched tightly onto the steering wheel.

It took a lot of convincing and hurtful words to get him to agree into taking me to see them. He was set on taking me to the penthouse and locking me away until Shrek decided to come find me. And because I am Jessie Donnahill the eighteen year old spit fire, I retaliated.
So there we were in complete silence. No radio, no talking. Just the sound of the car soaring on the road.

I glance at him feeling guilty. I meant to twist his mind and manipulate him into accepting my choice but I didn't take into account that he has feelings too. That he might be doing all of this because he cares. Surely enough his actions had proved so but I wasn't ready to find out if I'm right.

I spot his hand resting carelessly on the gear stick. The car he is driving is an automatic so he did not need his hand. I gently reached for it. And as I grazed the flash on his hand he
pulled it away. My heart was fragile but I found myself reaching for it again.

With no escape he let's me hold his hand in mine.
"I'm sorry" I whisper "I'm so sorry"

A lone tear slips down my face. The regret was eating away at me. Why couldn't I just keep quiet.
The conversation plays in my head.

"What rules Deacon. This is not part of the agreement" I said folding my arms across my chest.

"why are you always so bloody difficult" he groans pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Why the fuck do you care, you're the one paying to fuck me while you have a fiancée" I yelled.

"Jessie we've been through this" he sighs.

"Yeah well I'm trying to understand why you can't see what you're doing"

"Okay and what exactly am I doing"

"Whoring around have you ever been loyal, let alone been in a good relationship or loved anyone"

"I have"

"Well then I feel bad for the bitch who had to deal with your cheating tendency bullshit"

He is silent.

"I can't believe you just said that. I never cheated on her"

"Then where the hell is she if she didn't leave you"

"She was murdered!"

I had remained silent after that. Completely struck by shock. Never in a million years would I have expected Deacon James to say that someone was murdered on his watch. Nevertheless I didn't know much about his life. I wasn't one for tabloids.

Deacon lifts my hand and places it on his soft lips. Leaving a soft kiss on it.
"How did it happen" I ask.

"I don't want to talk about it" he says.

"Okay I respect that" I respond.

He was right. I wasn't entitled to anything especially after the stunt I pulled. One I'm never pulling again.

"I'm ready to listen to your rules" I tell him but he doesn't say anything back.

Soon he is parked in the driveway of my childhood home.
I remembered how run down it looked and how I had sent my parents money to have it fixed up. Yet it still looked the same since I left. Not that I've been away for long.

"Is everything okay" Deacon asks from beside me.

"I hope so" I mumble.

He hopes out the car and comes to my side to open the door. I take his hand and gently slide out the car. We stare into each other's eyes before I pull mine away.

We walk side by side to my parent's front door. When we reach it, the door is slightly adjourn. My heart begins racing as I enter into panic mode.

Deacon places one finger to his lips. He reaches behind his back and shocking pulls out a gun. On any other occasion that would have been sexy as hell. He pushes the open door slowly and we walk inside. I walk behind him.
We turn the corner and the sight before my eyes scars me.

"Mom, dad" I squeal covering my eyes.

I run to the closet and grab a blanket. Coming back and tossing it at them.
"Now I see where you get those moves from" Deacon whispers with a dark chuckle.

"Eww dude no" I gasp "are they done yet"

"All clear" he replies.

I remove my hand and stare at them with slight amusement and absolute cringe.
"Sorry honey we didn't know you were coming" my mom says.

"The door was left open so we just came in. I was around the area and wanted to stop by" I state turning to Deacon "this is my boss Mr James"

"Oh how embarrassing" my mom blushes red in the face.

"You have no idea" I shiver.

"It's nice to meet you young man" my dad says "please have a seat we'll be back soon"

My naked parents leave the room. Deacon and I exchange a look before we broke out in laughter. I love the sound of his laugh.
"You don't see that every day" he laughs.

I nod in agreement before pointing to the couch.
"Please take a seat"

"I wonder if they did it here too" he says.

"Eww please don't say that" I whine.

He chuckled and looked around the house.
"You have a lovely-"

"please don't" I interrupt him "there's nothing lovely about this house"

"You can't say that about the place where you grew up" my mom says appearing into the room fully clothed.

We exchange a few words with my parents. Them asking Deacon questions about my work. Me complaining that they didn't fix the house and us advising them to keep their doors locked. We unfortunately had to reject their dinner offering as it was getting late and the weather wasn't all that great.

"Please come back any time" they say as they wave goodbye.

Deacon and I walk back to the car and as he starts the engine the rain begins to pour.
"Talk about timing" I mumble before turning to him "since when do you have a gun"

He glances at me but doesn't say anything more. I guess we're back to brooding Deacon. I sigh and look out the window at the heavy rain.

We get dinner on the way before driving back to the city. All the way to the glass wall penthouse. We arrive just on time for me to take a much needed shower. No disturbance.
We walk into the building and I walk straight to my room. I strip and immediately go and lock myself in the bathroom.
After my shower I get dressed in a short night gown and leave my room.

Thunder rolls through out the sky startling me. The lights are off in the penthouse, only thing making everything visible were the bolts of lighting and city lights. I guess Deacon must have left.

I take note of my pounding heart. I was scared of the lightning and thunder. A great amount of thunder rattles the windows making me jump. I guess food will have to wait.
I reverse quickly before ramming into a wall.
I don't remember a wall here.

I turn around to see Deacon watching me with an amused smile. Even in the dark his features were prominent. He doesn't say anything. Just takes my hand and leads me to his room. We enter his room and he leads us to his bed. This time he doesn't try to ripe my clothes off.

He pulls back the covers, getting underneath them, taking me with him. I don't resist. I lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around my waist.
"Sleep" he whispers to me.

I had a lot of questions swarming in my head but after the day I had, I soon find myself falling asleep to the sweet sound of his beating heart.

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