Chapter 20

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We walk up the stairs.
"Do they know you're coming"

"I didn't tell them but with the intrusive paparazzi, I'm sure they know by now" he says.

I nod my head and cling on tighter to his arm as we approach the door. The guards standing there don't even ask questions. They instantly pull open the large doors. On the other side standing attentively are a man and woman who looked eerily similar to the man standing next to me.

"Hmm" the man starts as they come to stand before us "If it isn't the prodigal son"

"Hello father, mother" Deacon responds.

"So you decided to grace us with your presence" his father continues "how thoughtful"

"Don't start Dimitri" the mother scolds the father.

She pulls Deacon into a hug. He lets go of my hand so he can lay his upon her back.
"It's been a long time son" she expresses "How has it been"

"Just fine mom" he replies.

Mrs James gently places her palms on his cheeks and stares deeply into his eyes. Tears form in her bright orbes.
"You look tired" she decides "you need to get some rest"

I watch in awe at the exchange between them. Deacon denying his exhaustion and his mother reprimanding him for it. She truly did care.
"Who are you" an accusing voice asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

My eyes shift to Dimitri who is sizing me up.
"Me?" I question dumbly.

He looks unamused but nods his head nonetheless.
"This is my girlfriend Jessie"

Deacon returns to my side sliding an arm around my shoulders.
"She'll be staying with us for some time until I can get everything under control" he continues "if you would please excuse father and I, I think we need to have a chat"

He and Dimitri begin ascending another pair of stairs. I wanted to cry out for him not to leave me but figured that that would just be awkward. So I end up looking at his mom who is already looking at me.
"You must be tired" she says because she has the ability to see tired people "why don't I show you to Deacon's room, you can take a shower and I'll have a maid bring you up some supper"

I smile nodding my head.
"That would be lovely thank you"

I follow her up the stairs she had previously come from.
"My name is Livy" she says "I'm the first wife"

"Mr James married again" I ask in utter bewilderment.

"Yes he did my dear" she laughs "it was quite the scandal"

"How long have you been married" I ask.

I'm not one to usually pry into people's business but she brought it up. I'm just making conversation.
"Twenty five years" she answers.

I nod in acknowledge fearing of crossing the line. We take a step or two before Livy speaks again.
"How did you and Deacon meet"

My heart pounds. I'd been dreading the question. How did you meet.

"Just work" she asks with an arched eyebrow "come on Jessie, you gotta have a better story than that, is that what you're gonna tell the others, work?"

I too raise an eyebrow.
"The others?"

"Yes sweetheart, the others" she says "it's a family tradition to have a dinner to welcome new comers to the family"

New comers?

They were acting as if Deacon and I are married. I couldn't even imagine such a scenario yet. I guess with all that's been going on and a target on my back I hadn't looked to the future, that including where my relationship with Deacon was going.

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