Chapter 10

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In silence, Natalie and I walk, looking for Lisa. She is sitting by the bench with her legs straightened out in front of her chair.
"He's been waiting for you" she says turning to me "Go on ahead"

My heart skips a beat as I push open the heavy doors. Tears begin forming in my eyes. Jewels is sitting beside him with her head laying on the backrest of the chair. Her eyes are closed and soft snores leave her mouth.

August watches me as I walk towards him.
"Please don't cry Jessie I'm okay" he says.

"How can I not cry, you're in a hospital bed bruised and battered" I say "and none of you decided to call me"

"I didn't want you to be worried about me" he says.

"That's not how it works, you can't decide that for me" I pout.

August sighs.
"All I need is a hug right now"

I give him a sad smile and make my way to the bed. I wrap my arms gently around his shoulders and engulf him in a hug. I poured my feelings into that hug. August had made such a huge impact in my life in a short space of time. If it wasn't for him talking to Havier, my family and I would still be living in poverty.

I pull back and we stare into each other's eyes. It was the first time I actually looked at him. Through the bruises and scratches all I could was how handsome he was. I glance at Jewels to see that she's still sleeping and without thinking I acted on impulse. I moved forward slowly and pressed my lips against his. It was a soft peck.
"I'm so happy you're okay" I whisper.

He stares at me with wide eyes.
"Jessie I-"

He's interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. I fish around my bag and pull it out.



"Where are you Jessie? You have me worried sick"

"I'm at the hospital and I'm fine. What's stuck up your ass" I grumble.

"Don't use that tone with me. Now where's Morgan? I've been texting him for the past hour. So help me God if he's involved in this I'm going to fire him"

"Will you just relax. He's here with me at the hospital"

"Which hospital"

"Why do you want to know that. I have to go. We'll talk about this when I get back"

"Jessie don't you fucking hang up-"

I roll my eyes and stuff the phone into my pocket. I turn back to August who is watching me indifferently.
We stare at each other for what feels like hours. No one saying anything. He sighs and pulls his eyes away from me.

"This can't happen Jessie" he says.

"What can't happen"

"This. Us" he says motioning between the two of us "I'm with Jewels and there's no reason why I should hurt or leave her"

At the mention of her name Jewels steers in her sleep. Her eyes peel open, surprisingly lively for someone who has just woken up.
"Jessie" she says, a gleam in her eye.

"Hey Jewels" I say and walk over to wrap her in a hug. My heart clenched. Was I really planning on hurting my own best friend because I didn't know who or what I want.

"Will you please excuse me" I say.

"Where are you going"

"I need to go visit my parents. I'll be back tomorrow after work. I promise"

I waved goodbye and exited the room on the edge of tears. Natalie watches me with concern.
"Is everything okay"

"Peachy" I respond.

"Jessie I know you and I are practically strangers but if there's something going on tell me. Maybe I can help" she says.

Would she think the same if she knew I was sleeping with her fiancé. I nod my head.
"I'm okay" I say and begin walking to the front entrance of the hospital.

I walk with bitter determination. When I see the automatic glass doors I plan to speed up but stop dead in my tracks at the person on the other side of them. How the hell did he find me so soon. Or at all for that matter.

Deacon glares at my frozen form. He begins storming towards me and takes a violent hold of my upper arm.
"Aw you're hurting me Deacon" I cry.

"You think I don't put fucken trackers in my cars" he growls.

"What the hell is your problem I'm not your prisoner" I say angrily "Let go of me"

"No you're not my prisoner but I pay you to be there when I want you" he growls "and I wanted to fuck you mindless but you were nowhere to be found"

His words send pleasent shivers down my back.

Ours eyes dart to Natalie who is walking in our direction.
"What are you doing here"

He let's go of my arm as if it burned him.
"I was looking for you baby and Kim told me you might be here"

He silently slips a car key into my hand.
"Wait for me in the car" he whispers.

He struts to Natalie and embraces her.
"Are you okay love"

Natalie shakes her head no. She looked completely distraught. Deacon doesn't speak, instead he lifts her chin up and meets her lips in a passionate kiss. They kiss for a few seconds.

I watch them with utter jealousy. He's so unbelievable. How wonderful of him to 'care' for her. He's turning me into an envious beast. All because he won't kiss me.

I roll my eyes and walk out the hospital. I stare at the key in my hand. McLaren. Of course he drove one of his sports cars. I look around for Morgan's SUV but see nothing. The spot where he had parked was occupied by another car.

I sigh and walk to the parking lot and press the unlock button for the McLaren. A car five lots down flashes its lights. I walk towards it and swing the butterfly car door open. .
The car is black on the outside and velvet red in the inside. The interior is purely leather and it smelled like him. Oh heaven did the man smell good.

I get inside and close the door, savouring his blissful scent. Pulling out my phone I text Morgan.

Where did you go?

Mr James sent me home miss. He says he expects the car to be returned by tomorrow

Did he tell you why?

I'm afraid I may not say madam

Morgan you can trust me. If you're being fired please let me know. It's my fault.

Mr James said that he'd been trying to call me. My phone was off and I was in the middle of charging it when he found me

What did he say

He had been expecting you home for over three hours. He accused me of theft. I'm sorry

It's not your fault. I'll handle it. Have a good evening

I put my phone down and stared out the window. The sun was beginning to set. Light was streaming in through the windshield. Dark rain clouds were moving in the sky, threatening to hide the light.

I see Deacon walking out the hospital. He comes to the car, opens his door and gets it. His hair is slightly messy and his lips have lipstick. I take a tissue from my purse and wipe it off for him because I couldn't stand seeing him like that. He watches me. Anger is swirling in his eyes.

"I think I need to set a few rules" he said as the engine roared to life.

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