Chapter 28

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It's been three months since I last saw Deacon. I wanted to say I was miserable but that wouldn't be the truth. Yes I missed him dearly and I wanted nothing more than to be by his side but August was treating me right. Making sure I had everything I needed.

Being over seven months pregnant is no joke. It's exhausting. The amount of times you need the bathroom or feel like exploding in a ball of emotions is endless. The most annoying feeling was that of being exceptionally horny.

I wanted nothing more than to be devoured in a sensually brutal fucking. It was getting harder to control by the second.

I ogle August as he climbs out of the swimming pool. His abs glisten in the warm rays of sunlight. As he moves, the muscles in his body flex.I bite my lip at the desperate feeling I get.

His eyes meet mine and he smiles
"It should be illegal to look at someone like that" he says.

My cheeks flush red
"What do you mean"

August smirks at me but doesn't say anything else. His hand moves to grab his groin and I follow the movement with my eyes. I'm reminded of the impeccable size and what it can do to me.

Shaking my head to get rid of my very inappropriate thoughts. I spring to my feet.
" I'll be right back" I shout back to August.

Rushing to my room as fast as my giant belly allowed me to move. I prayed to find solace between the four walls. I needed a cold shower or something to relieve me of my pent up hormones.

When I am safely behind my closed door, I release a harsh breath.
"I'm not going to cheat" I chant "I'm not going to cheat"

I'm better than that.

But I'm so frustrated. I know I probably sound ridiculous but being horny and pregnant are two very strange combinations. I needed to be touched or something.

I reach down between my legs and try to please myself but the feeling is unfamiliar and uncomfortable. I couldn't go against my words. I'd never be able to please myself.
"Shit" I huff out of frustration.

Giving up I make my way to the shower. I strip and stand under the falling water.
"Amazing" I moan.

I take the loafer and scrub my body, getting rid of any dirt and lust that might have been hanging around. It takes me a good half an hour before I dub myself clean.

As I'm about to step out my hand hits the soap and it goes tumbling to the ground.
"Great" I huff.

I bend over and pick it up, placing it back where it was. I turn to walk out the door when my foot slips on the remainder of the soap. I fall before I can do anything about it and land painfully on top of my ankle.
"Mother of fucking pain" I scream clutching onto my now reddening ankle.

Seconds later I hear August call my name.
"I'm in here" I yell.

I hear footsteps outside my door before August pulls it open.
"What happened Jess" he asks as if talking to a toddler "you have to be more careful, you'll hurt yourself and the baby"

"I'm aware" I grumble "I think I really hurt my ankle. Can you please just help me up"

He hooks his hands around my back and under my knees then picks me up bridal style. He pays no mind to my nakedness which has me in a little pout. Even though I should be thankful I guess.

He puts me on the bed and grabs a towel from the closet. When he catches me staring he gives me a look.
"What" he asks looking me in the eye.

"You haven't even checked me out" I pout thoughtlessly. I felt really emotionally unstable.

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