Chapter 9

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I remain silent, tapping my fingers rapidly against my knee. Morgan was driving me to the hospital. He was trailing behind Lisa's sports car.
I was dead scared. I didn't allow Lisa to tell me any details. I wanted to see for myself. What she said had been unfathomable to my ears.

Never in my mind had I thought of Augustine being in a car accident. Let alone landing in the hospital. I was beyond bewildered. For it was only a couple of days or so ago that I saw him and my best friend. Surely enough we're not as invincible as I thought we were. It could have been anyone else. Another person fearing the life of another. But this time it's me.

My palms are sweating and I can feel my chest constricting from pure anxiety. This is it. I think as the building of the hospital comes into view.

Morgan drives to the parking lot. He parks the car near the entrance and checks me in the rear view.
"Do you want me to come with" he asks.

I sigh and shake the negative thoughts out of my head.
"No please just wait for me here" I said before pushing the door open.

Lisa is waiting for me at the entrance. She hooks arms with me and we walk into the busy hospital. People are bustling around. Some are huddled in corners. Others waiting impatiently. Some arguing with the receptionist. The hardest one to see was when the door came to tell a family the bad news.

I wished I hadn't heard or seen it.
"I'm sorry but he didn't make it" the doctor said.

The poor woman buckles down to her knees and breaks out in tears. The little girl she had been holding seconds before watches her in youthful sadness.
"Mommy why are you crying" she asks.

The woman looked conflicted. She probably didn't like the fact that her child was seeing her cry. So she did the most irrational thing. She stood up and bolted towards the restrooms, leaving her confused child with the doctor.
"Doctor Gibbs we need you stat" a nurse calls down the hall.

Doctor Gibbs looks stuck between a rock and a hard place. She scans the room as if the mother would appear any second to look after the child.

"Will you please excuse me for a second I'll come find you" I say to Lisa who seems oblivious to what just happened.
She nods her head and walks down the hall.

I begin to approach the doctor and the child. Her eyes finally land on my approaching form.
"I'll watch her it's okay" I say.

She looks conflicted.

"Doctor Gibbs" a more urgent voice calls.

"Trust me" I say.

It's not like I was going to kidnapp the child. I have far more greater responsibilities of my own.
"Thank you" she says and starts to walk away but the little girl clutches to her.

"My mommy said I shouldn't talk to strangers" she whispers in a sweet child voice.

I crouch to her level and extend my hand.
"My name is Jessie what's yours" I ask.

She let's go of Doctor Gibbs who silently slips away.
"My name is Autum" she says shaking my hand with her small chubby one.

"Autum, what a pretty name" I say "now we know each other's names, see not strangers"
I hope it does not lead her to believe that every person who makes a name exchange with her is someone to trust but for now it will have to do.

Her innocent eyes stare at me as a small smile etches on her face.
"Why don't we sit over there and wait for mommy yeah" I say.

She nods her head and pulls me to the plush chairs.
Autum is a two year old girl. She, her mom and her dad lived together in a big house as she says. She hasn't gone to school yet but wants to make a lot of friends. That's the one thing her dad wanted for her.

She fiddles with her short fingers before she clasps her hands together.
"Wessie" she calls me.

"Yes" I answer with an amused smile at the way she called my name, until she asked me a question that needed serious answers.
"Is mommy crying because daddy stayed in the water for too long" she asks.

My mouth goes agape. I genuinely did not have an answer for that question.
"He was drunk and drowned in the pool"

I look up to see her mother looking at us with a pained gleam in her eyes.
"They couldn't save him" she sniffles "Thank you for taking care of her, I hope you know I don't abondon her on a usual basis I just had to-"

I give her a small smile.
"It's okay I understand" I say "Did you drive here I can get someone to take you home"

"It's okay we'll take a cab" she says taking Autumn's hand.

"No I insist. Please let me make sure you get home safely" I say pulling out my phone and texting Morgan.

Seconds later he comes bounding down the entrance way.
"Yes ma'am" he says.

"Morgan this is-" I pause.


"This is Amy and her daughter Autum please make sure they get home safely" I say "you'll find me right here"

After bidding them goodbye and giving Autum a big hug I look up to see red stiletto heels.
"Jessie" Natalie says.

Her eyes are tear filled and yet her make up remains intact. She struts towards me.
"Natalie what are you doing here" I ask.

I knew she was here for August. There was no other possible explanation for her presence. It's pretty obvious that she was still dearly in love with him. Now I ask myself if he feels the same way.
"I heard about August" she said sobbing "I just have to make sure he's okay you know"

I nod my head.
"I got here not so long ago" I tell her "we can go together"
She nods her head and follows me as we walk down the path Lisa took.

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