Chapter 1

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"Excuse me" I gap.

"Did I fuckin stutter mate" he says "Did they not tell you you'd have to take nudes to get those horny bastards running towards you, it's a freaking escort company love you better strip or get the fuck out"

I frown at his words but force my body to move behind the standing covers. I quickly take my clothes off and make my way back out.

"Lovely" the man says "Now sit on the couch and pose like you like the slut you are"

I cringe at his words and take a seat on the velvet couch. I try not cringe at the idea that many have sat here way before I did. I attempt many poses and every time I tried, he would yell and say they aren't sexy enough.

"For crying out loud all I need is ten pictures" he screams throwing his hands up "I'm calling you off"

Tears start streaming down my face from all the emotions I'm feeling when I watch him dial a number on his phone. I beg him to stop but he doesn't listen.
"Please sir I need this job" I cried

"Will you relax Havier" a voice says "I'll take it from here"

My head snaps to the side where I see August standing with a bottle of water. He walks over to me and hands me the bottle. I try to hide my body from him, but he simply laughs.
"Don't worry I'm gay" he says. I still don't drop my hands but feel more comfortable.

"I can see you're struggling. Jessie it's normal for virgins you don't have to worry about it" he says "that's why we usually have them take pictures with a male or female model depending on their preference, we have the best male models who are quick to get you into the mood, let me get one for you"

He goes to walk away but I grab his hand.
"Can you be my model" I ask.

His eyes widen and he shakes his head.
"No ways I don't do modelling Jessie that's not my forté"

"Please August I'll be more comfortable with you than some stranger, and the fact that you're gay helps too" I reply.

August stares at me with hesitant eyes when Havier claps his hands.
"August you better get your ass naked before I throw her onto the streets where she came from"

August sighs but walks behind the covers. I prepare myself mentally to see him naked. I have never seen a man naked before.

He walks out with a towel wrapped around his waist. My eyes travel down his torso to his tight abs and prominent V-line. I gulp and watch his muscles flex. It's always the gay ones that are the hottest. Wait did I just say he's hot. Oh who am I kidding. He's beyond hot.

His curly blonde hair falls over his hazel eyes as he slowly assess my naked form.
"What we need to do is have your assets on display and keep my identity a secret" he says.

I guess the name of the room makes sense now.

He roughly pulls me into his chest, my back towards the camera. He takes my left thigh and wraps it around his hip. The motion makes me wrap my hands around his neck.
"Relax" he whispers.

I feel his hands grab my ass as he slowly lifts me up until my other leg is wrapped around his hip too. He turns around so my face is the one looking at the camera. I bite my lip at the skin to skin contact. A flash suddenly goes off.

"Yes, that is what I'm talking about" Havier hoots.

He takes a couple pictures of the poses August made me do. The two that stood out for me revealed August's true nature.
He pulls the towel off his body and braids my hair into pigtails as per Havier's request. I try my hardest not to stare at his member but fail miserably. He is not hard, but I can tell that he has an impressive length according to a woman's standard. I did research once.

His chest is pressed to my back and he doesn't even ask for permission as his hand suddenly finds its way to my breast. He gently squeezes it which has a soft moan leaving my lips. His free hand, however, finds its way to my most private part. He places his hand over my vagina. I try to pull away, but he pulls me back.

"Relax" he says again. Something he had been saying the whole session "I'm just holding I won't do anything"

Havier stares at us for a good few seconds before shaking his head.
"No, she looks uncomfortable and not into it" he says thoughtfully "let August please you a bit"

I go to say no but knew that I didn't have a choice if I wanted the job. August was just the beginning to what awaited me. But he would hold the significance of being my first sexual encounter. I nod my head and suddenly feel August's warm lips press against my collar bone. I lean to the side to give him more access as they would call it. As I'm focused on his delicious lips, he slowly begins caressing my folds. My hand instinctively falls on top of his when the blinding light of the flash snaps me out of my trance.

"Yes, this is so sexy" Havier comments "Now give me one last impressive one than you can go"

August pulls away and directs me back to the couch. It is then that I see his hardened member staring back at me. My eyes widen as he sits on the couch and guides me so I'm kneeling over him. My legs straddling him. He gently pulls me to sit and when I move too quickly, he holds me up in position.

"Woah you don't want to break your virginity just yet sweetheart" he says with a husky tone, gesturing with his eyes between us. I look down to see that his member is lined directly at my entrance. I look up into his darkening eyes as he takes my hand and lets me hold the upper part of his dick.

"Just pretend like I'm about to enter you" he groans "guide it to your entrance but don't put it in"

I do as he says and feel his tip touch my folds. His member reacts with a slight jerk at the intrusion. He pulls my face closer to his until we are taking in each other's breaths.
"You're not gay are you" I conclude before he smashes his lips against mine. He kisses me for a few seconds and just as he bites my lip to deepen the kiss Havier's voice echoes in the air.

"Got it" he says.

August pulls away and gently places me beside him. He clears his throat and wipes his lips before wrapping the towel back around his waist.
"Get dressed quickly we have one more stop"

After putting my clothes back on I follow August to a room labelled cross examination. He opened the door and let me in first before walking in and closing the door. In the room is a large hospital bed and beside it instruments that look like they would hurt. I'm told to remove my clothes again and to wear the hospital gown. I take a seat on the bed.

"Hello, I'm Emily the inhouse doctor" the lady introduces herself just as August leaves the room.
She tells me to put my legs onto the two stands beside the bed which has me bare to her.

"What are you checking Doctor" I ask uncomfortably, watching her pull on a pair of gloves.

"Your virginity" she says as the last glove snaps on her hand.


I go home crying that day. I had felt so violated. I couldn't believe that she had touched me the way she did and said what she did. I didn't speak to anyone when I got home. I just cried until my eyes went dry.
Because I knew I hear to start preparing myself for more than I care to bargain for.

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