Chapter 3

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It was just past seven when I finished my evening shower. My phone buzzes on the table and I absentmindedly pick it up.
"Jessie there is a driver waiting for you outside. When you get inside remove every article of your clothing and put on the coat left for you. When you arrive head straight to room B, he'll be meeting you there"

My nerves sky rocket out of my body but I don't waste any time because soon I am in the car putting on the coat. It is just above the knee. I felt revealed inside of it but also comfortable if that makes any sense.
The drive doesn't take long. The car parks in front of S.Y.B and I quickly hop out and head to the elevators.

The elevator music almost has me panicking more then relaxing and as the doors open and my heels click against the marble floors loudly as I make my way to room B, I can't help but stop breathing. I nervously open the door branded with a giant B to find an office setting inside. On the chair facing the window, is a man.

"Sit down" he says.

I follow the order and sit on the cold leather chair. I was anxious to see who the man was. He is after all the one taking my virginity.
He remains silent the only motion visible is that of his hand moving up and down. I shift awkwardly in my seat already concluding that he's jerking off.

"You're probably wondering why I chose you" he says startling me "You are so innocent and that just drives me crazy. But your eyes, they reveal the naughtiness I know lies somewhere inside of you"

His voice sends waves of desire running through my core. An unfamiliar yet pleasurable feeling. He slowly points to the sofa on the far left corner of the room.
"Drop the coat and take a seat" he orders "legs open"

I slowly let the coat fall onto the floor and self-consciously walk to the sofa. I sit and unwillingly open my legs, never letting my eyes stray away from him. A slight breeze brushes past my skin and I shiver at the delightful effect it has on soothing my searing hot flesh. Strands of my hair begin to loosen themselves from my bun. I look extra closely at the man as I try to push them back in place. I now have a view of his side, but still no clue on how he looks.

A disgusted shiver runs down my back at the thought of it being some old disgusting perv with a fetish for young girls.
"Pleasure yourself" he says drawing my out of my thoughts.

His words make me freeze. I had been silent throughout his monologue, but I couldn't hold myself from telling him that I couldn't do it. I suppose that was one of the things I willed not to do. Touching myself will never be of enjoyment and it never will happen but he didn't know that. My stubbornness, however, did not allow me to be a puppet of this master.
"No, I can't sorry" I say.

I see his lips stretch into a smile.
"You think you have a choice" he laughs.

"I am not touching myself, that is the only pleasure I will forever remain foreign to" I say with more conviction.

The easiness in his voice leaves as he finally turns his chair while uttering words that had my body sighing in excitement and anxiety.
"Fine, I'll do it myself" he says taking smooth strides towards me.

My heart stops momentarily as he comes into the light. His beauty is unmistakable. Raven hair swishes from the movement and icy blue eyes pierce into mine. His lips are slightly pink and are set in a frown. His body is toned, and I find it hard to take my eyes off him until he is standing in front of me. I expect him to kiss me but instead he pulls me up and takes my position on the couch then makes me sit on top of him.

He spreads my legs and puts his rough hand over my folds.
His fingers move up and down with a torturous speed. Suddenly he slaps me gently the movement making me jerk away from him. He continues his gene assault until I am moaning softly.

"You like that huh" he says deeply.

I more than liked it. This was different from what August had done. It was more intentional. Like he had a mission to accomplish. My body was behaving in a manner unknown to me but I couldn't deny that it was one of the best feelings I had experienced in the world.

He inserts one finger and starts pumping in and out. At first it hurt but soon he has two buried within me and I am left withering on top of him. He picks up his pace causing the walls of my core to tighten. Soon I am riding out a euphoric orgasm.

He makes me sit beside him and stands in front of me. My shaking legs thanking the couch for support.
"Undress me"

I am astounded by his words but nonetheless stand on my shaky legs and begin removing his tie. He watches me unbutton his shirt, remove it, then his belt and pants until he is left naked in front of me. His long, hard member reminds me of August's own weapon of mass destruction. He takes a seat on the couch and leans back until his back is resting in the couch and his hips are barely touching it.
"Suck me" he orders.

I am hesitant as I had never done it before but kneel down wrap my lips and hand around his dick. He makes my head bob up and down for some time as he grunts in pleasure before he pulls me up. Do I have a gag reflux. No.

He makes me sit on his lap with my legs straddling him. His hardened member rests on my stomach occasionally bouncing on me. I look at him with hazy eyes.
"I was going to wait a couple of days before I ravish you, but I know many are waiting to have you" he says lowly.

At his words he lifts me up and slowly guides me onto his tip. I begin to push down, feeling the pain of my hymen breaking. A pained cry leaves my mouth as he roughly slams his entire length into me. He repeats the motion for a couple of minutes until most of the pain is decreased. I was not enjoying it until he decided to stand with me still on top.

He starts hitting my g-spot more times than I care to remember which has me moaning and screaming in pleasure. He continues fucking me until I orgasm again before he pulls out and shoots his cum onto me.
"Fuck" he cusses.

I do not remember how many rounds we had in the three hours of that night but all I know is, we never kissed.

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