Chapter 5

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When I got to work the next day, Diana called me into her office.
"Jessie, our highest bidder has requested that we put you on leave" she says.

"What do you mean on leave" I asked with wide eyes "does he want you to fire me"

"We don't know yet" she says "we really love you sweetheart, but the customer is always right and if he doesn't want you in the business then we have to do what needs to be done"

The asshole!

How dare he try and control my life. He has no right. If I get my hands on him. I am going to kill him.

Diana leaves to go get my contract from the back room. An idea gradually pops into my head. Surely they must have information on Deacon. Perhaps I can use it to my advantage or at least get in contact with him.
I scurry to her computer and thank the heavens that it wasn't locked. After a good minute of searching I come across the name Deacon James. I don't waste time on scribbling his number on a piece of paper before returning to my seat.

Diana comes out with my contact seconds later.
"You'll have to keep a copy on you while we review the details. It it so happens he wants us to fire you we'll have to terminate your contract"

"What would happen to my salary" I ask.

"You'll be give three months ahead" she said "but for now you don't need to worry about anything. Just go home and get some rest"

"Okay" I sigh.

"Jessie I hope you know this is nothing personal" she said "you're one of our best"

"I know. I'll see you later Diana"

I walked out the building with a determined mindset. Never have I allowed a man to control my life and I wouldn't start now. He doesn't know what's coming his way.

It's around seven in the evening and rain clouds were covering the skies, hiding the full moon. A minute later it began to shower. I take my umbrella out and start  walking home. Impatiently I dialled Deacon's number and waited for him to pick up the phone as I hurried on home.
"Hello" he answers. His voice sending shivers down my spine and almost making me drop my phone.

"What is your motherfucking problem Deacon" I growl at him.

"Jessie" he says with a deep chuckle at the end "I can see you want to talk"

"More like rip your throat out" I bark "who the hell do you think you are"
I try to formulate all the curse words in the world, but a car speeds past and splashes me with water.

"Shit" I squeal loudly moving my phone out the way. The umbrella now useless.

"What is it" Deacon asks "Jessie are you walking home, tell me where you are, I'm coming to pick you up"

"No. I don't need your help. I walk back home everyday thank you very much" I deject.

"Stop being difficult, now tell-" he begins to say but his voice gets cut off. I look at my screen to see that my phone had died.

I sigh and stuff it back into my partially wet pocket. My house is quiet far and now I can't even call a cab. Not that I have cash. Everything is in my bank account. I hold my bag closer to my body and wrap my arm around myself to fight off the biting cold while trying not to get wetter. My mind begins to wander off.

How am I able to live with myself knowing the type of job that I do. It shouldn't even be part of my resume because I know people are too judgemental. If only they knew why I did it. It wasn't because I love opening my legs but rather my heart because I am doing this for love. I'm doing this for my family.

I wipe the tears spilling down my face when a sleek black Mercedes pulls up beside me. The lights inside turn on and Deacon points for me to get in the car. I wanted to argue and slam a brick into his window but I knew getting in the car was of my best interests. I open the car door and quickly jump in, feeling guilty for staining the interior of the car. The leather seats were warm and I wanted nothing more than to cuddle against them.

Deacon's cologne was heavenly to inhale. He was wearing a long-sleeved black shirt and matching sweatpants. His muscles were straining against the shirt and I annoyingly wanted to run my hands over them. I shake my head and tell myself to snap out of it.
"Don't you have a fiancée waiting for you at home" I spit.

"She can wait" he responds.

I roll my eyes and cross my hands over my chest.
"Why do you want me to go on leave" I ask "it's not fair or senseful"

He shrugs and stares at the slippery road ahead of us.
"Don't make me repeat myself" I say.

"You are bossier than I remember" he says.

"Well that's because I'm not at work therefore you are not in control" I say "now answer my question"

He slows down the car and parks on the side of the deserted road. My stomach clenches when he turns to look at me. I must admit. I was slightly turned on.
"I want you all to myself Jessie" he says "and the idea of someone else having you drives me crazy"

He licks his lips.
"I've wanted you since I laid my eyes on you. From the very moment I saw those beautiful eyes and plump lips. You drive me fucking crazy. So I want you to myself"

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