Chapter 17

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People look at me with sad eyes as I walk through the hallways at school. They look at me with sympathy. The back stabbing bitch finally gets it. They think.
No my parents aren't dead but they are in critical condition. My mother worse than my father.

The story of the shooting rattled the quiet neighborhood, earning a segment on the news. Everyone I knew was pitying me.

The work that was spent on rebuilding the house had all gone to waste. It was destroyed. The windows were shattered. The doors had fallen off their hinges. It was an utter disaster. My childhood home gone just like that.

Armon jogged past the people and met me halfway.
"Oh honey are you okay, I heard what happened"

When I don't say anything he pulls me into a hug.
"I'm here for you"

"Thanks" I mumble against his shoulders.

The bell rings and Armon walks me to my homeroom. He bids me goodbye and vanishes with the rest of the students. It is silent. My classmates adapted a tendency of being on time so as per usual everyone watched me walk to my seat.

"Miss Donnahill"

I stop at the sound of Carly's voice.
"Yes ma'am"

"Come see me a moment" she says.

I turn around and walk back to her desk.
"Im sorry to hear what happened. It must really be a traumatic experience, especially after what happened to Maggie" she says "I've arranged for you to see a therapist"

"I'm okay really" I respond "I don't need therapy"

The sound of a book falling startles me. As if it were one of the guns that shot through the flesh of my parents. It's clear I really do need the therapy.

Carly gives me a small smile.
"Here's the date when you can go see her"

She hands me a small card.

Natalie Bennett

"She works in your home city, your appointment is set for this Saturday" she says.

I thank her for her care. It is completely unnecessary, let alone her place. She was never concerned about me before. She disappeared for years. No contact. No communication. Why now?


It is lunch and I find Jewels sitting at the table with the boys.
She sees me coming and without another word engulfs me.
"I'm sorry. I can't imagine what you've been through"

We hug for what seems like hours. Saying nothing, just enjoying the warmth shared between us. Jewels although upset with me was always there and I felt guilty even possibly imagining trying to hook up with August.

"Can I talk to you" I ask her.

"Sure" she says "you can drive me home in that new ride of yours"

We share a laugh.

We enjoyed the rest of lunch with the boys, enduring the day before it came to an end.
I wait for Jewels in my car. She bounces out of school and hops in.
"Dang" she says.

I chuckle and turn the car on. People around us watch as I reverse the car and drive out of the school yard.
"What about your car" I ask.

"I'll take it tomorrow" she mumbles "So what is that you wanted to talk about"

"I owe you an apology Jewels, what I did wasn't fair to you" I express "I shouldn't have had a claim on August, we were never an item. You guys are good for each other"

"Apparently not good enough" she utters "I was never angry at you, I was angry at myself for not seeing it before"

"Seeing what"

"August had been having an affair since day one" she says "I've been trying to figure out with who and I thought it was you but now I know it's not"

"Who do you think it is" I question.

"I'm not sure" she says honestly "but all I know is I want to catch him in the act"

The dots start connecting in my head.
"That's why you asked me to drive you home isn't it" I concluded "You didn't want him to see you coming"

"That's right" she admits "sorry for using you"

"Now we're even" I laugh deviously.

I drop her off at the corner of her apartment complex and drive. It takes me a good couple of minutes before I am getting off at the hotel parking. I take my things and lock the car. Walking up the stairs I hear another pair of footsteps.

I stop and look around, my heart beating erratically. Nothing.
Paranoid, I run to the elevator and take it up to the top floor. Not wasting any time I sprint to the penthouse door and open it, locking the door.

Deacon is staring at me questionably.
"Everything okay" he asks.

I nod my head and smile.
"Yeah um just needed the exercise" I giggle.

It's all fake. Deacon notices but decides to let it go.
"So guess what"

"What" he inquires.

"Carly aka Miss Whenit arranged for me to see a therapist" I say "and guess which one"

"Natalie" he guessed, getting the first attempt correct.

"Yes exactly" I nod "I'm thinking of going"

"I can get you another therapist Jessie, I know you don't like Natalie" he speaks.

"No it's okay really"

"Are you sure"


"Well okay then" he shurgs "Now how about a shower"

I smile.
"I'll get you there"

He nods and walks away. I take my phone out and the card Carly gave me. Dialing the number on it. I place the phone to my ear and wait.

"hello this is Miss Bennett's office how may we help you"

"Hi this is Jessie Donnahill, I have an appointment for this Saturday, is there anyway it can be pushed forward"

"Miss Bennett was never available on Saturday but she is free tomorrow"

"That's perfect thank you"

"Alright, your appointment is set for tomorrow at 3 o'clock bye"

I place the phone on the coffee table. Stripping as I walk to my room. I throw my clothes onto my bed and walk butt naked to Deacon's room. His bathroom door is left slightly open and I push it all the way.

Deacon is in the shower with his back turned to me. I take silent steps and until I am standing behind him in the shower. Water falls onto my awaiting body draping me in a thick layer of water.

I stand behind him and wrap my arms around his abdomen. I feel his abs under my wet hands. I glide my hands across the hard muscles all the way to his V-line until they are hovering above his member.

That's when he decides to grab my hands.
"Not today" he says

I let him go.
"Okay" I say not understanding his change of mood.

Deacon turns around and sighs.
"I postponed the wedding"

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