Chapter 2

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Two weeks passed before Lisa's name appeared on my screen. I picked up the phone with shaky hands and pressed the answer button.
"Hello" I answer.

"Jessie get a good clean shower, spray on some perfume and get ready I'll be picking you up in half an hour, you got buyer" she said.

There it was.  I had been dreading since I left S.Y.B two weeks ago. The call. They told me that they would be publishing my profile and would call me back when someone wanted me. I wasn't sure I was ready to lose it for gain, but I quickly hopped in the shower after remembering how horrible it's been the past week.

My parent's holiday salaries were finished, and we had been living off bread and water. I was sure I even lost weight. I have to help them and this is the quickest way.

I keep telling myself that I'm doing this for my family as I rub the coco butter onto my skin and spray on my perfume. I wear my best lace set underwear and put on a short blue sunny dress.
"I'm off to work" I tell my parents and hop into Lisa's car.

We make  chatter until we reach the company building. She turns the car off and turns to look at me.
"You're about to meet all the other newbies" she says "so be prepared to make friends or even enemies and remember don't trust anyone"

We walk into the building and greet the lady at the front desk and get into the elevator. Lisa lets me do the knock before the doors slide open. We walk the long way and she guides me to the Evaluation room. When she opens the door, I'm met by all kinds of beautiful women. I looked dull in comparison to them. They are all in mindless chatter so I'm unnoticed when I take my seat. Soon everyone is quiet.

"Good morning to you all" Diana says "as you all know your applications have been approved so welcome to S.Y.B"

Everyone cheers happily.
"This is how it works. The company took the profile they made for you and posted it on their website. Men or even women who are looking for a 'good' time pay a hefty fine to get access onto the website. They therefore insert what they are looking for and if that's you, your profile pops up. If there's more than one person who wants you the company creates an auction and the highest bidder gets to go first. They get access to you and your body and whatever resources the company gives them for a good three hours unless they pay more. There after you get 60% of the amount and the company gets 40%" Drake explains.

"Since you all know how it works, each of you may go to your designated rooms except the following; Jessie, Carly and Nia"

All the ladies leave the room and I check to see who I'm left with. The one who catches my attention is the busty brunette. She has her hair tied in a tight ponytail and a mini skirt and crop top on. I pay no mind to the other girl. Diana leads us into the room next door.

"On the other side of that mirror is our highest bidder and before he decides who he wants first he asked that you all present your bodies to him" she says "You may strip"

As I slowly take my clothes off, I keep my eyes plastered on the one-way mirror. I know whoever it is, is watching us undress. It is both creepy and mysterious. We all stand in our underwear in a side by side line and stare at the glass.

"Okay ladies let's make this quick" I hear August's voice through the speakers. My heart rate picks up as I had not seen him since my first visit. Boy did I have him on my mind "Nia turn around slowly and thereafter remove your bra and stand still"

He commands the same with Carly the busty brunette and I before he tells us to go home and that we would be told who they had chosen.
I got home early and told my parents that I might have another shift later during the day.

"Where is it that you work sweetheart" my father asked glancing at me.

"Oh leave her be Honey she'll tell us all about it when she gets the chance" my mother interjected.

I let out a sigh of relief. I don't think I was ready to tell my parents that I'm a glorified prostitute.

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