Chapter 13

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I open the door to the penthouse.
Deacon is sitting on the couch scrolling through the movies he has.
I shake my head and toss my bag to the floor.
"You wouldn't believe the day I had"

Deacon glances at me before turning back to the screen.
"I'm all ears"

"Well after you sent me that rather erotic picture, my teacher saw it" I sigh "thanks for that"

He scans my face with an amused look twinkling in his eye.
"is the teacher a female?" he asked.

I take my shoes off and toss them on the floor.
"Why does it matter" he gives me a look "Anyways yes she's a female and one you know for that matter"

One I know personally.

He arches an eyebrow, keeping quiet for me continue. I take a seat beside him and throw my head back on the back rest of the couch.
"Remember the day you decided that you wanted me"

Deacon chuckles before taking a hold of my hip and swinging me on top so my legs straddle him.
"Like the back of my hand"

"Well it turns out that my homeroom teacher is Carly" I say.

"Am I supposed to know who that is"

"Oh come on Deacon. How can you forget the busty brunette. I was standing beside her" I say hands up in the air.

"No way, she's a teacher?" he chuckled "What a lousy career. No wonder why she opened her legs. What a bitch"

His words offend me. I look at him accusingly.
"Excuse me" I say "I opened legs too is that what you think of me too"

Deacon's eyes soften.
"No of course not"

"There's no other way around it Mr James" I say.

I move back onto my original position. Looking at my shoes on the floor.
"I'm gonna go take a shower"

"Want me to join" he asks.


I couldn't even tell him that Carly Whenit is kinda my sister.

I pick my shoes off the floor and start walking to my room. I take a quick shower and dress in warm pajamas.

As soon as I open my door Deacon is on the other side about to knock.
"I'm sorry" he says "I didn't mean to offend you"

"It's fine" I say pushing past him.

He holds onto my hand.
"No it's not" he says "let me make it up to you"

He guides me to the lounge arena. Scattered on the dining table are snacks and food. There are pillows and fluffy blankets all over the floor too.
My stomach grumbles at the sight in front of me.
"You did all this" I ask glancing up at him.

He nods.

A small smile makes its way on my face and I reach up to kiss his cheek. A childish squeal leaves mouth as I hop to the little set up. I sit on the floor and wrap a blankie around me.

Deacon takes a seat next to me. I let him choose a movie for us while I decide which snack I'd like to devour first. I find a chocolate bar and reach for it.

He chooses a horror movie and I internally roll my eyes. Of course he chose a horror flick. I place my head on his shoulder and get engrossed in the movie.
Half an hour later I'm throwing popcorn at the screen.
"For crying out loud. Run you stupid bitch!"

I swear horror movie characters are just stupid. Deacon was laying on his side laughing hysterically at my frustration. I kept swearing at the protagonist and pulling my hair.
"Stop laughing" I pout.

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