Chapter 31

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I am awakened by a wet feeling between my legs. It doesn't feel like pee or sweat but like a bucket of water.
"August" I call.

He doesn't respond.

Small pains shoot through my abdomen so I end up punching his arm.
"Ouch woman what the hell" he mumbles, rubbing his arm.

"I think my water just broke" I say.

It takes a few seconds to register in his head before he springs out of bed.
"Fuck" he sings.

He turns the lights in the room on. Rushing to the closet he comes out holding two bags. One for me and one for the baby.

He helps me out of bed and helps me change my clothes. Thankful that my ankle was fully healed we walked down to the garage. He leads us to the car. Driving like a maniac he makes the journey to the Harbour.

It would take a while before we reached the hospital.
"Deep breaths love deep breaths" August instructs.

I wasn't feeling much pain but realized I had to comply for him to be calm and not kill us.
"Should I call Deacon" he asks.

I shake my head.
"No not yet"
I had a feeling. An odd feeling.

The Harbour is deathly quite as we ride the boat that can carry the car. Once on the other side, August doesn't waste time zooming to the roads. He goes all fast and furious. Thankfully there aren't many cars on the road seeing as many people are still asleep. I look out the misty windows when a sudden realization hits me.

I'm about to give birth to a whe human being.

I can't believe I am going be a mother. I'm beyond terrified. I don't know whether or not I will be able to handle the pain. I had always meant to ask my mother how painful it is but never got the chance. I wish she were here to hold my hand and tell me everything is going to be okay.

I hold my tears back and wait for us to get to our destination. Half an hour later, we are parked outside the hospital entrance. He helps me out the car and walks me to the reception.
"Hi how may I help you" the man asks.

"She's going into labor" August tells me.

"Alright" the man responds "Nurse! nurse?!"

A nurse brings a wheelchair and they make me sit on it.
"Sir I'm going to need you to sign a few forms for your wife"

"Oh she's not my wife" he blushes but takes the forms nonetheless.

He follows us when they lead me to the waiting room. My cervix had to be dilated 12cm before I could start pushing.
He asks me questions while he fills in the answers.
"Name, Jessilmariaanlouise" he writes "surname..."

I smile at his fussy behavior.
"I feel like you know most of the information they need" I chuckle "and that doesn't sit well with me"

He playfully glares at me before focusing back on the papers. My eyes land on the one word that had been the center of my dreams, James.

I stare into Deacon's eyes. The white of my dress almost blinding us. It was just the two of us and a priest.
"Do you Deacon take Jessilmariannlouise to be your lawfully wedded wife" priest asks.

"I do" Deacon says with a smile.

"Do you Jessilmariaanlouise take Deacon to be your lawfully wedded husband"

"I do" I giggle.

Deacon continues to smile down at me.

"Then without further ado I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride..."
It was a beautiful dream.

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