Chapter 19

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I take a look at the sonogram for the hundredth time this week. My mind is failing to comprehend the sudden change in my drastic reality.

I'm pregnant.

I'm pregnant and someone is trying to kill me.
I walk to the mirror of my vanity and stand in front of it. Lifting my shirt up I stare at myself. There is a bump where my flat stomach used to be.

I'm going to be a mother and I have no one to assist me. My mother is dead and my father can barely remember who I am. Whoever is writing my life is writing a tradegy.

I wipe the tear falling from my eye. Great. Now I have to deal with hormones too.
"Is everything packed"

I turn to Morgan who is standing in the doorway.
"Yes" I answer.

He takes the bags and walks out the room. I take my handbag and follow suit.
"Bye Mariah please take care of my father" I say to the maid giving her a hug.

"Si madam, I will"

I walk out the door and take the elevator down to the lobby.
Deacon is waiting for me at the door.
"Hello love" he says and kisses me softly.

I blush at the sudden PDA. He takes my hand and leads me to the brand new Mercedes taxi car thing that he bought.
Deacon being Deacon, sold all his cars and bought this one. He was paranoid. My car was bombed so easily and he didn't want any mistakes especially now that I'm expecting his child.

Morgan is our designated driver. He's the one taking us to the airport and when we return he is the one picking us up.
We sit in the car squashed up together although there is so much space. Deacon has his arm wrapped around me and a palm resting on my tummy. I have my head on his shoulder and and arm wrapped over his lower abdomen.

"What will your parents think of me" I ask "I'm not exactly the perfect candidate"

"What are you implying"

"Oh come on" I laugh bitterly "I'm basically living off of you"

"Well no, you were offering services and I was paying you, it's not the same"

"We both know our contract terminated during the time I was in a coma, S.Y.B was sending me messages that you left unread"

"Jessie you did what you had to do" he sighs "if I left you right now you'd survive on your own"

"Fair enough" I mumble "okay what about the age thing and the pregnancy thing and the Natalie thing"

"Jessie will you just relax" he chuckles "and stop coming up with reasons to second guess yourself"

He turns my head so I'm looking up at him.
"If they don't like you it doesn't matter because you're mine not theirs"

I peck his delicious lips.
"You're mine too babe"

"Babe" he hums "say it again"

"No" I giggle.

He starts jabbing his long fingers against my side dragging them up and down in rhythmic movements.
"Say it again"

"Stop" I belt out laughing "I'm gonna pee stop"


"Attention passengers. We are approaching the landing strip. Please fasten your seat belts and get ready for landing" the pilot announces.

I turn to Deacon with an amused smile.
"Does he really have to do that even if it's just the two of us"

I look around at the empty seats of the private jet. I remember the excitement and fear I had when I took my first step onto the plane.
It is the first time I'm flying after all.
"He enjoys it, trust me" he says.

Deacon and I make small chatter while the plane begins to descend. After it stops we hold hands and start walking towards the door. He pulls on my hand, stopping me in my tracks.
"My family is kinda a big deal here love, so be prepared to be bombarded by paparazzi"

At his words the door swings open and I am immediately blinded by the flashing lights of cameras.
"Mr James Mr James" one of the reporters call "Why did you come back"

"Mr James why did you cancel your engagement to Natalie Bennett"

"Mr James who is she"

"Is this your new woman"

"Mr James how long are you planning to stay"

"No comment" Deacon says while the reporters keep throwing questions at him.

The driver of the limo opens the door. Deacon let's me enter first before he slides in beside me.
"Are you used to this kinda of attention"

"Only when I visit" he replies "Back home the paparazzi is far more respectful but I suppose that's because I'm only one in ten rich bachelors"

I nod my head in understanding.

During the drive I spent most of my time looking outside. The country is beautiful. Long green grass waves in the wind. Sunny rays cast on the clear blue waters. water. The City is a sight for sore eyes. I'm unable to look away from the tall buildings and bright lights as the car drives through the streets.

By the time we arrive at the James', the sun has already set.
"No ways" I gasp.

In front of us is a huge mansion. A ten foot statue is built within a fountain. The statue spits water into the pool beneath it. It was honestly the most beautiful place I've ever seen.

"My father has always been one for extravagant taste" Deacon sighs "I guess that hasn't changed much"

"This place is beautiful" I tell him "I can't keep my eyes off of it"

"I can't keep my eyes off you" he says making me glance at him.

"You're so sweet" I giggle "we both know you're the better looking one"

"Baby I know I'm hotter than you" he chuckles "but you're still hot"

"Deacon" I gasp slapping his shoulder "I was joking"

"I'm not" he says with a shrug "you really are hot. You're hot and so much more. And I'm glad I get to have that all to myself"

My heart warms up and becomes all fuzzy. I reach up his neck and bring his lips closer to mine. We exchange a sweet short kiss.
"I'm glad too" I tell him.

It's only then that we realize the car has stopped. Deacon takes my hand.
"Come on let's go meet my estranged parents"

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