Chapter 15

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It's Friday afternoon and I have just gotten back from school. I park my car and walk to the elevators.
I'm standing outside the penthouse door when my phone rings.
"Hey" I answer while inserting the key into the hole.

"Jess are you home" Deacon asks "I forgot some files and I really need them"

"I can get Morgan to drop them off for you" I say pushing open the door.

"No I sent him home about three hours ago" I hear him say "he deserves some time off to spend with his family"

"Alright I can drop them off but I don't know where the company is" I say "Or where the files are"

"Just type James and Sons into the GPS" he instructs "the files are in my left drawer. Please hurry baby I need them in the next 30 minutes"

My heart swoons. It didn't go unnoticed that he called me baby.

I drop my school bag and rush to his office, taking out the files and returning to my car. The drive is approximately twenty minutes.
I get to the reception and take the elevator up to the top floor. I see a secretary and approach her.

"Hi I'm looking for Deacon James' office" I say.

"Mr James is currently preparing for a meeting" the lady informs me "can I take a message"

"Can you please just tell him that Jessie is here to see him" I say tapping my foot impatiently.

She rolls her eyes but nonetheless calls his office.
"Like I said he's unavailable"

"You didn't even dial the number did you" I huff glaring at her name tag "Kate"

I hold the files tighter to my body.
"It's fine, I'll find the office myself"

I start walking to the biggest door I see. Kate rushes towards me, reaching to grab my hands. I push open the door and my eyes catch the sight of familiar red stilettos.

My eyes widen and I immediately jump out of the way. Shocked, Kate stands frozen in her spot. I hide next to the wall of the door.
"Shit'' I cuss under my breath.

"Kate what's the matter, I said I didn't want to be interrupted" Deacon asks.

Kate glances at me and although we hadn't gotten off on the right foot she understood my pleading face.
"I'm sorry sir, I was walking past, heading to the rest room and I slipped" she covers.

Her story was total bullshit but it was enough for Mr James to get the drift. Natalie sighs.
"I should go darling" she says "I have much to do"

I hear the sharp click of her heels getting closer to the door. Panicking, I duck behind the closest desk I see. Waiting for a few minutes I hear Kate call my name.
"You must have a death wish, messing with Natalie's man" she says.

"I'm not" I defend.


I go to defend myself further but am interrupted by my name being called. Deacon is standing by his office doorway and my oh my I have to say. He looked sexy as hell. In all the times that I had seen him, it was never in a suit of such expensive taste.

The shark-skin colored fabric accentuates his mascular build and tan skin. The cut enhances his jawline and head shape. But what stood out for me were his eyes. That looked icier than ever.

I walk to his office with purpose. Almost being caught does something to the female body. He allows me to enter, closing the door behind me. I don't waste time. I put the files on the table before turning to him. Throwing my arms around his neck I smash my lips to his.

The kiss is rough but I make sure not to mess up his hair. He responds immediately, gently biting my bottom lip. Lifting me up, I feel the cold surface of the mahogany table touch my searing hot skin. The setting reminded me of the night he took my virginity. How absolutely relentless yet gentle he was.

I reach for his pants, trying to unhook them but he holds my hands.
"We can't, I have a meeting in three minutes"

I pull away from the kiss and look up at him with lustful eyes. I was still dressed in my mini skirt, bottle-neck vest and sneakers. The proper school child. I scoot back on the table, dragging my left leg up.

I sit in front of him with my legs open.

Deacon groans.

I glance at his member and sure enough he is hard. He walks to his desk, situating himself between my legs. With his left hand he slides my panties to the side, exposing my moist folds to the cold chill inside his office. He begins to play with my folds, inserting one finger.

"Kate" he says after dialing the secretary "postpone my meeting by ten minutes. I need more prep time"

I moan at the feeling of his fingers inside of me.
"How can I resist you" he says after hanging up.

He unhook his pants and pulls them and his underwear down.
"We're gonna have to be quick baby" he says turning me on more.

I watch him spit on his hand and lubricate himself. Then he rubs against me three times before slowly going inside of me. He begins a thrusting motion.

I bite my lip to stop myself from making too much noise. I lean back and balance my body. Deacon is unforgiving. He pounds into my repeatedly. Hitting my G-spot countless times.

He obviously wanted to cum considering how their wasn't a cold shower anywhere near by and he had to attend a meeting.
"Just like that" he grunts "fuck"

He was never much of a talker before. But recently he's been a pretty verbal lover and I love it.
"Yeah" I moan, taking ahold of his table.

My walls tighten around him as I get closer to my release. His thrusts become slower too and soon we're both riding out our high. It was very unusual to cum at the same time but it was at this rare moment that I truly enjoyed being demolished.

I take some tissue and wipe him off. His business partners did not need to see cum on his pants. I wipe myself too and make sure we look presentable. Fixing my attire we both walk out the office. Kate watches us indifferently.

Surely enough my flustered face confirmed her suspicions. I was having an affair with Mr James and boy did I love it.

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