Chapter 21

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Deacon's POV (1 hour before)

I walk up the stairs with my father. I have never gotten along with him since I was a child. He wanted to decide everything for us. My brothers and sisters were far more accepting of his controlling tendencies over them. I wasn't.

He chose for them their schools, subjects, careers, universities and even who they would marry. He had done the same for me but I being the youngest of the four did not allow him to rule my life. I wanted nothing to do with the life he wanted for me.

So when I turned eighteen and my siblings were living freshly off our parent's money I had to start supporting myself.

My father took me oversees for a 'business trip'. He made me attend a meeting and when I returned he was gone. The hotel kicked me out two weeks later and I realized that with only a million in my account I had to make a living for myself. It was his lesson to me.

I could have easily bought a plane ticket back home but I wanted to prove to myself and rub it in my father's face that I didn't need his money. So there I was paying for my own tuition and university fees.

In the process of studying I started the company James and Sons and after attaining my masters in business management I was able to successfully transform it into the multi-billion dollar company it is now.

I had to work smart. Investing in businesses and buying property. Though I never advertised to anyone about them. Not even the tabloids knew.
Ten years later I have billions in my account and my father had nothing to do with it.

I wanted to blame my mother for not coming to get me but I realized that she probably didn't know. My father fed her lies and she ate them up. So the only time I started to visit was when my father and siblings weren't around. As far as they are concerned, I'm barely a millionaire.

I try not to insult my father as we walk to his office. I was resentful and thankful but I would never say it. This is the first time I'm seeing him since he abandoned me ten years ago and boy did I feel like hitting the man.

In his office he sits on a chair and pulls out a cheque book.
"How much do you need then boy" he asks "That's why you're back isn't it, for the money"

I let out a bitter laugh.
"I'm not here for your money"

He pretends as if this was never my home.
"Are you sure? I've been watching the news son, doesn't look like you're making much with that lousy business you named James and Sons" he hums tapping his fingers on the desk.

Of course that's what he thought. I forbid my employees from publicly displaying financial records or business deals.

"I said I don't need your money" I say folding my hand into a fist.

"What then" he asks with a gleam in his eye.

"My girlfriend is in trouble and I need your help" I say, fighting every bone in my body.

I didn't want to come here but because Jessie is pregnant this is the best place for her to be. The James mansion is a fortress. Exceptionally high security measures and top notch security personnel. You'd have to be inside to break in.
Jessie and my unborn child will be safer here than anywhere else in the world.

"Your girlfriend being the girl you brought to my house" he chuckles "quite the rebel you are"

I ignore his comment.
"Yes she is the one I brought"

"Whatever happened to the woman you were supposed to marry" he asks leaning back on his chair "What is her name again"


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