Chapter 2 : The Path That Would Change Their Life

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The sisters woke up early in the morning, brushed their teeth, took a bath and got  ready for school. Their school bus stopped near their home, so they needed to walk a little before reaching the school - bus stop. They were just about to step out of the house, along with their mom and dad when suddenly, a black cat crossed their way. They all looked at each other, wondering if they should change their way or simply ignore it. A glance at everybody's face, and mom knew what they all were thinking. She said, "Don't believe in these superstitions, they are just made to fool people. They are nothing". Mom wanted her daughters to be a rationalist but she herself was a little scared of it and so were her daughters. The sisters pacified themselves and moved on. They reached the bus stop. Akshara was already waiting for them. They started chatting to Akshara. Soon the bus arrived and all the students got into the bus. As the bus drove, strange thing happened. The photo of lord Hanuman (Hindu god) that was kept in front of the driver seat fell down. Ria and Samira noticed it but they didn't think too much about it. They attended the school and came back home. Till now, nothing unusual happened. They finished their homework and greeted their parents when they arrived back home. They started discussing their day with each other and their mom told them that she had a terrible dream about a spirit haunting both of them (Rita and Seema) because they had awoke it. Before mom could tell what happened after that, their door bell rang.  It was Akshara and other girls, they were here to call them to play. All the girls were giving dares to each other, when one of them named 'Divya' gave a dare to Akshara to go through the mortuary path. As Ria and Samira were knew and they didn't know anything about the mortuary. The other girls told them that it was a path from the hospital side to the building of "F-block" (The block in which they themselves lived) but it was also the way to access the mortuary (The place where dead bodies were kept) but it wasn't used frequently. Akshara refused and said that it was a very scary dare. Others, including Divya agreed but then they all thought that they all would together walk through that way just to explore. They all stared at the entrance of the path. It looked very frightening at night as if it was the home of the dead. Due to the look, They all changed their mind and were just about to leave but then suddenly, a pack of stray dogs began howling and barking. Their bark was pretty scary in itself. Soon they were visible, they all were running to the group of girls and barking loudly at them as if they were trying to warn them not to go in. All the girls were scared to  face the angry looking pack of dogs. There was no way the other side, meaning if they wanted to avoid the dogs their only option was to go through the path to the mortuary. The pack of dogs was approaching faster and faster, they have to make a decision really quickly or they will have to be bitten by those dogs. Their hearts started beating faster and faster. Will they chose to risk their life by going to that creepy looking path or will they chose to be bitten by stray dogs ? This one question would change their life forever.


Hello guys ! This is the second part of my story. I hope it was more interesting then the first one. Please vote my chapters if you like them. Also follow me for more such novels. Tell me in the comments of what you think they would choose ? Comment down if you are exited for the next part and i will make sure to post it asap.

Thanks for reading and have fun!!!

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