Chapter 8 : Preparation Of 1 Month

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The sisters dreamt of the spirit saying, "You are more intelligent than what I thought but I am much more powerful than your dreams. This time you have unlimited days and I am also not keeping a check on you but don't take it as a pleasure because I will come again after one month and fight you because by doing all this I am free to attack you once the time is over, not all of you but only the sisters. As per the curse stated, I have given you this much time to prepare yourself. I am not talking about learning new things instead I am talking about obtaining information on how to protect yourself from me. You can do anything you like but you won't be able to defeat me. I will drink your blood after one month. You have only a month left in your life. Enjoy it ! " They woke up with a frightened face and looked at each other. They couldn't believe that was true. They told their friends about this. The friends also knew that it was next to impossible for them to beat the spirit within one month but they told the sisters that they all should get to work quickly. The sisters felt motivated by their friends sayings. They thought that they might not be able to defeat the spirit but they must try because God is always on their side. They all began to think where they should start from and what they need to do to protect themselves and survive the spirit. Then suddenly Samira spoke, "Hey, we know that the spirit's name is Jasica Mathews then why don't we ask people about who she was ?" The idea was great but whom would they ask ? They decided to ask Shamu kaka as he knew almost everyone. He was  an old watchman who sat in a chair at the entrance of the whole campus. They went to the gate where he  sat and  asked him if he knew Jasica Mathews. On hearing the name his eyes opened wide and his face was full of fear. He said, " Jasica Mathews ??!!" Akshara said, "Kaka, why are you so shocked on hearing this name ?" Shamu kaka replied, "Don't take her name. You don't need to know anything about her if you don't wanna die. Just go to your home and don't ask anyone else." Ria said, "Why you didn't asked us first if we had  asked anybody else about her before saying that we should not ask anybody else ? How do you know that you are the first one whom we are asking ?" Kaka replied, "because you are still in the campus and are not thrown out yet". None of them had expected this answer from him. Samira said, "She has challenged us and will attack us after a month. We don't want to die unnecessarily. Please tell us, it would be very useful to us and can save our lives." Kaka agreed to tell them the story of Jasica Mathews but he warned them that the story was more scary than they could have imagined.


Hello guys ! Hope you all are enjoying how the story is going. The story will have many chapters because I want it to be a long story. What you guys think will be the  story of Jasica  Mathews ? Tell me in the comments. Vote for the chapter if you like it and if you understand the efforts behind all the chapters. Follow me for more such novels.

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