Chapter 39: Another Encounter

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Bob went pale. The spirit was coming towards it. Jack came in front of Bob, blocking the spirit's way.


The spirit's voice was so angry and horrific that all of them were very scared but Bob was much more scared than anybody else. He regretted his foolish anger. If he had just left it to Jack...

Jack started throwing some holy water on the spirit again, the spirit screamed but didn't went away. It attempted to quickly take Bob with it so that it could kill him in peace and give him the punishment of insulting it. It made a quick snatch towards Bob but Samira jumped in it's way. For a moment, all thought that it would take Samira and complete it's revenge right there. But the spirit was too caried away to think of the short cut, it threw Samira away. And as it was so enorumously giant, Samira would now fall from at least 20 feet!

Jack noticed it and dashed to catch Samira to save her life. He caught her in his arms just when she was about to touch the floor. He then turned his head to look at the spirit and saw Ria trying to save Bob now. Ria jumped towards the spirit. The spirit took her too along with Bob and apparated away from them.

Now only Jack and Samira were left there. Noticing that Samira was still wrapped in Jacks arms, she blushed and quickly stood on her feet.

"You fine?," asked Jack out of concern

Still blushing, Samira said, "Ya. But where are Bob and Ria?"

"The spirit took them and apparated"

"What? But why Ria? She wanted only Bob, right?"

"Ria tried to save Bob and the spirit couldn't stay much longer here to fight with three of us. So, it took Ria too and apparated away from us, or more specificallly, me because I kept on throwing more holy water on it"

"So what do we do now?"

"We have to do the same as we planned as soon as possible"


"Don't worry, I will save you with my life and don't let the spirit even touch you. I assure that"

Samira's cheeks went red again and she said, "But why? I am no one to you"

"Let's get this thing done first"

"You didn't answer my question"

Jack pretended as if he hadn't heard her and started moving, guestring her to follow him. Samira wanted to repeat her question again but then, she thought about Bob and Ria and realised that following him should be her priority instead of asking the same question again and again, when it seemed that Jack didn't want to answer it.

She followed him and suddenly her father came out of nowhere.

"Sweet heart Where have you been when I told you to go to your mum in Room no. 347?"

"You gave us the card to Room no. 303 dad and we almost got killed!"

"What are you talking about?"

Jack took the card out of Samira's pocket and saw that the Room no. had changed. He silently showed it to Samira and let out a sigh.

"Okay! Now this also happens", Samira said in frustration

"Where is Ria and that boy? And who is he?"

"Sir, let's get into the room and then talk. Shall we?", Bob joined the conversation

"Fine", Judging by his tone, Samira's Dad also seemed frustrated due to all the chaos.
Hey readers! On Tuesday is my final exam and that too of Maths, and I am here, updating my novel! Sometimes I ask myself what even am I doing? Uff!

Anyways, the chapter was already mostly written, So, I just gave a finishing touch.

What do you think about the current situation? Jack and Samira now have to work alone in destroying the spirit. They also might develop a special connection in the process. But will Bob let their relationship develop after he has returned? Will he let go of Samira so easily?

Wish me luck for my exams!

Vote, Comment and Share as usual.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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