Chapter 5 : What's The Connection ?

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Ria and Samira woke up to a terrible dream which filled their hearts with fear and their faces with shock. In their dream, they saw the spirit itself. The spirit said in a voice that was very disturbing, "This is not over yet. You will pay for what you have done. I will kill you with my powers and teach you a dreadful lesson that you will remember for the rest of your life and I promise the time won't be much". The sisters were horrified with the dream. This was completely different from what they had expected things to be like. They thought that the spirit had forgiven them and this chapter was over but it was not so simple. The spirit said they would pay for their mistake. Now they had started to take this seriously. The sisters were way to scared to think of something else. Anywhere they go, they remembered the scary face of the spirit warning them. They decided to do something. As usual they attended their school and met in the evening. When they told the other girls about this, they were shocked because none of them had the same dream except Akshara. Did this mean that the spirit wanted to take revenge only from Ria, Samira and Akshara ? But why ? This question struck them and they were unable to find the answer. Did the three did anything different from the others ? If yes, then what ? They began to think about it but they could not find any similarity between the three which differentiated them from the others. Samira was still scared but she suddenly thought that the girls were so good. They knew that they weren't in danger anymore, only the trio was but still they didn't left, instead they were thinking hard about the connection to save their friends. This was true friendship. Samira remembered the quote "A friend in need is a friend indeed". All the girls kept on telling similarities and differences but someone eliminated it by mentioning an incident or something else. Then, Akshara suggested that maybe their names when combined while following a particular rule revealed something about the spirit. All said that it might be but they had nothing to prove it. It was again a dead end but at least it had a chance to be the connection between the three. "Maybe something was going to happen in the future that separated three of us from all of you" suggested Ria. Their were many great suggestions about the connection but it was still not clear. One of them suggested, "The spirit must be using the formula of divide and rule". The other one suggested, "Maybe there is a common connection in the places where you have been because you both have shifted quite a lot of times". They started listing the places. Ria and Samira had stayed in Jaisalmer, Andhra Pradesh, Srinagar, Itanagar, Chandigarh and Agartala. Akshara had stayed in Maharashtra, Amritsar, Tripura, Hyderabad, Erode, Wargaon and Shimla. They analyzed the list but were not able to find any connection so, they dropped the idea and began thinking again. It was turning late so, they all went home and decided to figure it out tomorrow evening but they did it so that they can find something about what was happening. The spirit on the other hand, decided to give them the same thing as a challenge but with a deadly twist.


IMPORTANT : I want to start a little bit of a challenge. You people have to guess in the comments about the similarity or something which tells them about the spirit. If anyone guesses it correctly, he or she will be announced in the end of chapter 7 ( will get published on 8 July, 2020). Chapter 6 will be a clue for all of you about the connection. Vote if you like the chapter. Comment if you are able to figure out the similarity and also follow me for more such novels.

Thanks for reading !!! Comment before 8 July because in the morning the answer would be given

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