Chapter 59: Catching Up

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On continuously hearing voices, Samia finally woke up and her eyes nearly poped out of their sockets on seeing Bob and  Ria sitting on the bed with Jack and Ria saying, "So, What all happened while we were away?"

Samira sat bolt upright and gave all of them a What-the-hell-is-going-on look. Jack laughed looking at her expressions, to which she replied, "Will you stop laughing? And will anyone bother telling me what the hell is going on?!?!"

To her frustration, they all burst into a fit of laughter and took a fair amount of time to stop. Bob was the first one to speak, "Cool down girl. We just came or rather escaped from that bloody dungeon or prison or whatever. Jack was just about to tell us what all happened while we were away. But we know most of it already. We will tell how but first you narrate it yourself and fill the missing gaps. And by the way thanks for the warm greetings Samira"

"Come on sis, at least give me a nice hug!"

Samira smiled and gave hugs to both of them. After that, they all narrated their experiences to eachother for god knows how long but it felt like forever. However, to Ria's relief, Bob carefully avoided the 'Vikram topic' they had talked about in the dungeons. While Samira and Jack were busy laughing and talking with eachother, Bob carefully whispered in Ria's ear, "The Vikram topic will stay between us, okay? I will handle that git in my own way" Ria smiled and whispered back, "Thank you".

Although Samira was completely engulfed in talking and laughing with Jack and didn't notice their secret exchange of words, Jack noticed them and sensed an incredible chemistry between the two but thankfully he didn't catch the words they were saying and just saw the mischivous and a bit angry look on Bob's face and a greatfull look on Ria's face. He was quite sure that something was going on between the two.

He realised that all the time they had spent alone in the dungeon with eachother must have brought them close. It must have brought them close like it had done with him and Samira. They would have become best friends or maybe something more...

Snapping out of his thoughts he said aloud for everyone to hear, "So guys, let's have some food okay? Because I don't know about you guys but I am starving"

"What time is it?" asked Ria

"It's 7pm, just the time for  some snack before a late and heavy dinner" informed Samira by checking her watch.

"A snack sounds perfect" said Bob

"But who will cook?" asked Ria

"I can" both Bob and Jack said at the exact same time

"Okay then Bob. We can cook together"

"Girls, the treat is from the boys"

"Come on. Let's go!"

"Hope we don't find the kitchen blown up" said Samira, laughing

"We won't even find a kitchen if they cook. It will be blasted with one or two more rooms" said Ria who was laughing too

Bob and Jack smirked at eachother and replied, "You will see"

And with that they left the room to make some snack for all four of them.

Hey readers! DrishKing008 is here with a Saturday update for you guys. I am currently out of station so there was a bit of issue with network but I have finally sorted it all out so that I can give you guys your Saturday and Sunday update.

It's the moment you all have been waiting for. Finally, the squad has reunited after so much time. Hope you guys liked the way how.

If so, do make sure to Vote, Comment and Share this chapter. The story is about to end quickly from now on but how, that is the surprise. So, stay tuned  for the near ending and the upcoming twist.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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