Chapter 49: Feelings

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"Are you sirius?"

"Yes I am"

"Then, why didn't you do it earlier?"

"Look, there are some rules for priests too. We can't just use are powers everywhere. We need to use them only in situations like this, where it's an emergency"

"That's Brilliant! Our plan would work! Bob and Ria would be back and the spirit would be trapped!"

Samira hugged Jack tight. Jack hugged back. He knew he felt something for her. He had never felt so attached to one of his clients or anyone except his father. He just felt something for that girl. But what? He himself didn't knew but he liked the feeling, no matter what it was.

"I just can't wait to see Bob again"

Jack's heart ached at her words. It made him remember that he was on duty. Samira loved Bob and somehow it troubled him. He didn't know why, but he felt a bit jealous of Bob. How come he had such a perfect girl so easily? It was just not fair. He didn't know why but he loved Samira's company, he wanted to be with her most of the time. He hated it when Bob was protective of Samira, it just made him remember that she was just a client nothing else. And she saw him as a priest not as a friend or something more. He wished he knew what was happening to him.

Brushing of his thoughts, he quickly pulled himself back from the hug and said, "I need to prepare a bit to hipnodice her. I think I shall leave now"

"What? Why?"

"I will prepare in an abandoned room, it fits to do the preparation there. I will see you later"

"But, what will I do till then?"

"You can talk to that friend of your, it seemed that she was dying to talk to you!"

"Great idea! I will be just outside your room"

"Why are you stressing yourself? I will be fine. You can go to your parents"

"No, I will stay outside the room in which you prepare"


"By now, you should know I am pretty stubborn and I don't change my words"

"Fine", Jack lifted his hands up in the air in surrender

They both moved into a room which was all empty, the room had been booked by someone, but he hadn't arrived. They thought of using it untill the person didn't came, which was pretty long.

Samira waited outside the room while Jack went inside of it. Jack lied to Samira about prepration, there was nothing that could be prepared before hand and all was to be done at the time of action.

He lied to her because he wanted some time alone and talk to his dad. He knew his dad couldn't talk with him but he just wanted to talk to him and empty all his thoughts. He opened the book and began talking with his dad about everything. He even told him that he felt something for Samira. He told his dad literally everything with every detail possible.

On the other hand, Samira didn't talk to Akshara. She just sat on a chair outside the room. She wanted to process all that was happening and wanted to calm down for a bit.

She was feeling a bit strange about Jack's behaviour. Her mind was full of thoughts like why is he trying to avoid me? I am away from Bob and Ria. He is the only friend I have with me now and he can't even just stay with me for a bit? But, why am I even affected that much by his behaviour? He is just helping me right? No. Like he is like a friend or, friend, or something like that. Is he anything more? No,no. It's just Bob.

Hey readers! I am here with another Sunday update. Hope you guys are liking the story just as much I am.

Thanks a lot for showing all this support in the previous days, it really means a lot. Now I am in 9th grade. So, it's really difficult to spare some time in my hectic schedule.

But your support keeps me going. It's hard to squeeze out time these days. But I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with the story in my mind.

I have planned a lot for this story and I hope you will love when it is complete.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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