Chapter 9 : The Story Of Jasica Mathews

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Shamu kaka started , "Jasica Mathews was a woman who was hired by the campus hospital two years ago. Her job was to take the bodies of the dead patients to the mortuary. Her best friend was Monika Sethi. Monika was the one because of whom Jasica got hired. She requested doctor Siraj to hire her. She also had the same duty of carrying dead bodies to the mortuary. Monika and Jasica both were very close to each other. If Monika would get hurt, Jasica would spend the whole day taking care of her best friend. Both friends were doing great at their jobs. They were earning enough money to feed their families and even save some for later. Then, the management decided to hire a team of highly qualified doctors from Delhi. They behaved well with the staff and appreciated them. They could save many more people and prevent them from dying. Jasica and Monika now had to do a lot less work because very few patients were dying now. They were doing less work and earning the same. It was in their favor but the happiness could not last long enough. The management noticed that the mortuary staff was not doing enough work and was getting paid more than what was needed. So, they decided to half the salary of the mortuary staff. This was bad. Now, the money was way to less for the staff to even afford food for their families but what could they do ? The staff gathered together and discussed what should they do to convince the management to increase their salary. Most of them agreed that the salary they were getting earlier was more than the work they did but they could not deny the fact that now their salary was much less than their work. After a discussion of hours, they came to a conclusion of protesting and telling the management to increase their salary by 20%. So, that it was fair and equivalent to the work the did. The management refused. The protest became bigger and bigger. Monika was also a part of the protest but Jasica was a much active member. Now the protest had became a big issue. The management now, accepted the proposal and agreed to raise the salary of the mortuary staff but the management also had a plan to prevent their loss and earn more profit. They decided that if their salary couldn't be decreased then their number must. They issued a list of people of the mortuary staff and fired them. All 10 people were fired at once and were now jobless. Jasica rushed to see the list. She was relieved that her name was not on the list but then she noticed Monika's name on the list. She ran through the corridors, trying to find Monika but she could not see her anywhere. She started to get concerned because she knew that Monika would not be able to take it and she might try something stupid. Suddenly, she saw at the terrace. It was Monika, she was about to jump ! Before Jasica's mind could process anything, Monika jumped. Monika was now struggling to live. She saw Jasica and asked her to look out for her family. Before Jasica could reply, Monika passed away. Jasica was in deep shock. She could not believe that her best friend had left her all alone." Shamu kaka now had tears in his eyes and sympathy for Jasica. But why Jasica turned into a spirit if Monika had died ? And what curse was she talking about ? 


Hey guys ! This was the ninth chapter of the story. Hope you guys liked it.  Also my school has started now. So, there will be less updates. I will try my best to find some time for the story and update it frequently but I can't take guarantee about the updates. So, please cooperate with me. Also vote if you like the chapters. It encourages me a lot to write more. Comment down about what you think is going to happen next or if you are excited for the next chapter. Follow me for more such novels.

Thanks for reading !!! 

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