Chapter 60: The Final Cure Found

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Bob and Jack were both in the kitchen now. Jack had gone earlier to buy some groceries to make food. Now, they were using those to make an edible snack while talking with eachother.

"So, what do you think about Samira?" Bob asked.

"Um, What?" Jack asked a bit flustered 

"Look man, It's clearly visible that you have feelings for her. Why don't you tell her?"

"You are with her"

"Um...Actually...Wait...That's irrelevant here"

"Wait, You dont want to be with her!"

"Um...It's a bit complicated. But the question here is why don't you tell her you like her?"

"It's complicated? Then, will Ria make it a bit easier?" Jack said with a smirk.

"What do you mean?"

"Like you said that my feelings were visible. I would like to tell you that you weren't doing a great job in hiding them either"

Bob sighed and said, "Fine. I like Ria"

"And that's why you want me to tell Samira so that your way to Ria is clear and you don't have to live with the guilt of breaking up with Samira. Right?"

"Well, I am not insisting you. It's fine if you don't want to be with Samira. I can be with her if you don't want her" Now it was Bob's turn to smirk.

"Okay okay okay. So, let's just stop pulling eachothers leg. I want Samira and you want Ria. So, let's just help eachother to get the girls"



"Let's just take it slowly then. I know none of us want to mess things up"


"I also brought something for you"

Bob showed Jack the small bottle he had found while escaping the dungeon and gave it to him.

"It's for you. It will help you get your father back"

"I don't know how to thank you"

"No need to thank me. It's the start of a new friendship mate"

They both made the snacks after that and all four of them ate the delicious things they had made. After that, they decided to shift their focus back on the spirit.

"Now, what about the spirit?" Ria said.

"Now that I can talk to my dad, thanks to you both, Let's ask him"

Jack opened the book and applied the liquid on it. Within seconds, the black layer was gone and the diary was normal.

"Dad, you there?"

"Yes son" came the writing on the diary

"Dad, I have trapped the spirit in the mirror dimension and broke the mirror. It was trapped there for a day and it must be out now anytime"

"3 hours are left with you. If you follow my instructions, then, it will be trapped there for eternity"

"What I have to do dad?"

"You must go to the mirror dimension yourself. You need to find the spirit there and kill it with the  holy tools you all have collected. You need to combine their powers with the ritual you very well know son. The spirit is really weak in the mirror dimension and the holy tools are really powerfull for her right now. They have the capability to destroy her there. You kill her there and she will stay there forever. She can come back but really advanced magic is needed for that and in this generation, I highly doubt anyone is capable to do that in the whole world. It has gone extinct by now. So, all you need to do is combine the tools, go to the mirror dimension and kill the spirit. After that you all will be free from it FOREVER. But time is ticking. Hurry up son!"

Hey readers! Sorry for a bit of delay in this update. As you know, I was traveling the whole day, I was not able to update in the morning but now I have reached my destination. So, here I am.

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