Chapter 18 : Bob the savior

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Her whole life came in front of her eyes. She had accepted the fact that she was going to die. She took her last breath, now the arrow was a few millimeters away. Just about when the arrow was going to hit her, a hand-pulled her towards the end of the hallway. The arrow passed through her side, almost touching her arm. She was so close to death. After she recovered from what had just happened, she looked around to see who had saved her life.

She found a boy who was probably the same age as hers. He had deep black eyes, short brown hair, and an oval face. He was a little taller than Samira and wore dark blue specs.

Samira asked the boy, "Who are you ?"

The boy replied, "My name is Bob, and yours ?" He sounded very friendly 

"I am Samira"

"Nice to meet you, Samira"

"Nice to meet you too. Thanks for saving my life"

"It's fine. Are you here for the tools too ?"

"Ya but I have a proper reason to search for them which is not silly"

"Can I get to know about it ?"

"You are a stranger to me, why should I tell you ?"

"Hey ! don't think wrong about me. I just wanted to help. I help everyone, it's my nature."

The boy sounded very friendly and intellectual. He looked to be well educated and trustworthy. So, Samira told him everything, her whole story. It took some time because her story had become pretty long by now. The boy heard the whole story with interest.

"So, you need protection from the spirit that's why you want this tool, not this tool all the tools" Bob corrected himself.


"Your sister also betrayed you, you would have been shattered right ?"

"Yes, but I had to deal with it anyway. I still think there is another reason for her to do that which she didn't tell me about."

"You think that she is hiding something from you ?"

"Maybe, I am not sure because now I have realized that I  know nothing about her. How she could have left me in that hole to die? I still can't believe what had happened."

"It's normal as you have spent so much time with your sister, you would have never expected or even predicted for her to do that"

"Anyway. I think I should continue on my journey because I don't have much time. Bye. It was nice to meet you, Bob"

Samira started walking forward.

"Wait a minute"

Samira stopped and looked back at  Bob.

"Let's go together. I can help you like before. We will find the tools together, not just this one, all the tools. I will help you."

"If I need the tools then why do you want to risk your life and you didn't tell me why you want the tools or why you are here".

"I will tell you some other day. Let's don't waste any more time and start because many more traps are waiting for us. Let's go !"

Bob started walking.

Samira wasn't sure if she wanted Bob to help her or not but she agreed with him that they didn't have much time. So, she didn't waste any more time thinking about it and decided to not object to Bob's decision and keep going.


Hey guys! DrishKing008 here. Hope you are enjoying the story so far. 

What do you think about the new character - Bob? Do you think he is a little suspicious or is he hiding something?

Do tell me in the comments. Also, you guys are showing great support nowadays and I am very grateful to you all for that. Just keep showing your support, It makes me feel happy and encourages me to write more and better. I will try my best to bring regular updates. Vote, comment, and share as usual. I always welcome your comments, suggestions, and ideas. Don't forget to read my other novel "Minecraft: Can You Escape?"

Thanks For Reading!!!

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