Chapter 48: Escaped?

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Bob and Samira were packed in their cell, dungeon or whatever it was for a pretty long time. They watched Samira and Jack most of the time and talked with eachother like old friends.

"Oh come on! Why do they have to hug so much?", said Bob when he saw yet another hug between them

"Cool down Bob. There is nothing bad in it"

"She has hugged me like...2 or 3 times and that's her...maybe 50th hug with him"

"She is not that type of girl, she loves only one person and I am...pretty sure, I think, that she loves you"

"Now, what's that suppose to mean?"

"I mean...I am not that sure if I be very honest with you. She looks...pretty, you know, free with him and she opens up with very little people who actually mean something to her. Now don't make faces!"

"Thanks a lot Ria. That made me feel very much better", sarcasim was dripping from Bob's voice

"I just want to be honest with you. I know how it feels, thanks to Vikram and all that mess, but the point is that even if there's something between them, you basically can't do anything"

Bob realised the reality behind her words and felt pretty sad. Ria noticed this and sat near him. She tried to comfort him and said, "It's fine Bob. It happens"

"You know, even if she choses him over me, I will be fine if she is happy. I just want her to be happy"

"Look! Jack is talking to his father and Samira is outside the room. That's pretty strange, isn't it?"

Bob gave the crystal ball some attention and said, "Ya. Jack seems to be...crying?"

"I wonder what is he talking about or more why is Samira outside the room and not with him?"

"Do you love them together? They are together almost everytime. It's good they are finally a little bit away"

"Get over it Bob! I think we should try to break free from here and see them"

"As if we haven't thought of it earlier? We litteraly spent hours trying to escape this damn place"

"I think we should try again. Come on!"

They both got up and investigated the place for what seemed like the hundredth time. Then suddenly Ria said, "Oh god! How come we didn't see this before?"

Bob rushed towards Ria and asked, "What?"


Bob followed her gaze and saw a rusted key which was probably of their cell, lying just outside their cell.

"How are we going to get it? It knew our hands aren't that long so, she kept it right there, she is literally teasing us now"

"No Bob. I think I can reach there"

"Really? Are your hands not of a human and are abnormally long?"

"No! We can use this, maybe?"

Ria took out a locket that she was wearing. She showed it to Bob and said, "It's magnetic and it has a pretty long chain too"

"Well...we can give it a shot then"

Bob took Ria's locket and opened it so that it's magnetic part was at one end. Then, he threw it in the direction of the key while holding on to the other end of the chain.

The magnet attracted the key in a second. Then, he pulled the chain back, bringing the key with the chain too.


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